⭐PCE Biology UNEDasiss 2025 | What the exam will be like and 5 tips

Tips for the UNEDasiss PCE Biology exam 2023 - Luis Vives Study Center

⭐PCE Biology UNEDasiss 2025 | What the exam will be like and 5 tips

In Spain, Health careers are in fashion. There are many students who come to our country with the aim of accessing degrees such as Medicine, Dentistry or Nursing. If that is your case then you will most likely have to prepare the Biology subject for the PCE UNEDasiss of 2025. We help you!

What will the PCE UNEDasiss 2025 exam be like? Biology

On the day of the UNEDasiss Specific Competence Tests, whether you take the exam in the ordinary or extraordinary session, you will find an exam consisting of 4 parts:

  • Part 2,5: This block has a total value of XNUMX points. This block offers two options (A and B). You only have to answer one of them.
  • Part 2,5: This block has a total value of XNUMX points. This block offers two options (A and B). You only have to answer one of them.
  • Part 8: Block of 2,5 objective questions with a total value of 5 points. You must only answer 8 of the 5 questions. If you answer more than 5 questions, only the first 0,5 will be corrected. Each correct answer adds 0,15 points, each error subtracts XNUMX points and blank questions do not count.
  • Part four: Block in which you have to read a text and answer all the questions about it, which has a total value of 2,5 points.

Our recommendation is that you practice with real exams from previous years. To do this, on our website you can find a large number of exam models, as como también exams of all subjects solved by our teaching team. Or if you prefer to see it on video, you also have them uploaded to our Youtube.

Five tips to improve your results on the Biology exam

Biology is a subject that is part of the subjects of the specific phase in the university entrance test, and that is part of the access route for the degrees in Sciences and Health Sciences.

It is an exciting and very interesting subject, but at the same time it is very extensive, and hence its difficulty when studying it. 

That's why we're giving you 5 tips that will help you study the fundamental and most important aspects of the Biology subject, so that when you take the 2025 UNEDasiss PCE exam, you can be prepared to answer correctly and achieve the highest possible score. These tips are also valid if you're taking the PAU, in which case, we also recommend that you take a look at the article that they've published in our collaborating center, Bravosol Academy, in which they tell you the mistakes that you should avoid making in the Biology exam of PAU of 2025.

  1. The Biology subject consists of 5 blocks. You can study them independently but don't be tempted to stop studying any of them. Everyone enters the exams. It is better to know all the contents of the syllabus than to master only part of it.
  2. This subject has a very extensive and own vocabulary; Create a glossary with these words. With short and clear definitions, so that you can identify them and use them in the appropriate context.
  3. Draw pictures. For example, one way to study the cell is by drawing pictures of its organelles. If you see exams from other years, you will be able to see that there are both questions with drawings that ask us to identify what they are, and questions in which they ask us to draw them. And, if we have practiced before, it will be less difficult for us to do it in the exam. They do not have to be artistic drawings, but they do have to be clear and in which what we want to highlight can be perfectly seen.
  4. Make summaries of the topics as you study them. They include definitions, diagrams, comparative tables. The more you work on writing and exposing the concepts of the subject, the more you will learn.
  5. Read about current events related to the show's topics. You can also watch outreach videos. Ultimately, it's about using all the tools you have, in addition to textbooks. We are surrounded by information about Biology and its relationship with our daily lives, which will help us understand the entire subject program.

Much encouragement!


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