Hello! If you are going to take the test in Madrid to obtain your ESO, it is very likely that you have also signed up for the ESO exams. access test to medium-grade vocational training cycles. Keep reading, because we are going to tell you what the exams are like, and give you some advice in case you are a little lost.
And if you don't feel like reading, you can always watch our video in which Lara explains what the intermediate level vocational training entrance exams are like and gives you some important advice.
Scopes and exams of the access tests to Intermediate Vocational Training Cycles in Madrid
The free tests to access medium-grade FP cycles have three areas, but you will have to take five exams:
- Social Domain: an examination of Geography and History.
- Scientific-Technological Area: two exams: one in Mathematics and another in Sciences: Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Technology.
- Communication Area: two exams: one for Spanish Language and Literature, and another for English.
On the day of the exam you must bring your identity document (DNI), and you must turn off your cell phone and put it away. Also, remember that the exams are taken with a pen (blue or black), pencils are not allowed.
We go there, we explain what each area is like and we give you a couple of tips:
Social ambit
The Social exam has contents of Geography and History.
- Length: approximately 8 questions.
- Duration: 90 minutes.
- In Geography you must know concepts and definitions of the syllabus. Study the different units of the syllabus in a practical way. You can use physical and political maps to organize your ideas, make summary tables or exercises to match terms and definitions.
- In History you must know the dates, but you must also understand the historical events, their relationship and in what order they occurred. Pay special attention to the names of relevant people and even their physical features, because they may ask you questions through images.
Scientific-Technological Area
This area consists of two exams:
- Math.
- Sciences and technology: Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Technology.
The Maths exam:
- Length: approximately 5 questions.
- Duration: 90 minutes.
- IMPORTANT! In previous years, the use of non-programmable calculators was allowed.
- You must take great care of order and cleanliness. Likewise, remember to clearly indicate the answer to each question.
- We know it is not easy, but try to be agile in arithmetic operations.
- There are many parts of the syllabus that are repeated over the years: proportionality, geometry, probability, equations and functions, and arithmetic (fractions, combined operations, etc.). To do this, check the exams from previous years.
The Science exam:
- Length: approximately 5 questions.
- Duration: 90 minutes.
- IMPORTANT! In previous years, the use of non-programmable calculators was allowed.
- Many of the exercises are solved quickly with the application of a formula. Spend time memorizing the formulas of the syllabus, write them down a thousand and one times and use mnemonic rules to learn them. When you get to the exam, detect which questions require the application of a formula, and write it down before starting to do the exercise, making sure you don't make a mistake.
- Other questions consist of filling in gaps or knowing definitions. During your study, spend time in your notebook writing the most important terms, as well as knowing their definition. Even try to define these terms in your own words.
Communication Area: Spanish Language and Literature
- Length: approximately 7 questions.
- Duration: 90 minutes.
- It is very important that you practice the spelling rules: bov, with ho without it, accent marks, etc. You already know the best way to practice this: READ. You can read books, but also magazines, comics or even articles like this (or on more interesting topics).
- It is not a very long exam. Therefore, spend as much time as you need to read the text they give you, to familiarize yourself with it.
Communication Area: English
- Length: approximately 5 questions.
- Duration: BEWARE! 60 minutes.
- English is not your native language, so you should take care of your handwriting more than ever.
- Read the text calmly and pay full attention. If you don't understand it at first, read it again, you will see that as you read it you will understand more and more parts.
- Just as a great help in Language was reading, in English it will help you a lot to listen to music in English while reading its lyrics, or watch movies while reading the subtitles.
- At the end of the exam you have to write an essay. Practice it by making lots of them, and give them to your teacher so they can correct them for you.
If you are already clear about what the intermediate vocational training entrance exam in Madrid is like, now is the most fun thing for you: PREPARE. To do this, you can check our solved exams on the blog, as well as the videos that our teachers have prepared with the resolution of the exams.
Good luck… for that!