[Updated 2025]⭐What are the general phase exams for access to Higher Grade like?

Exams for access to higher degree 2023 - Luis Vives Study Center

[Updated 2025]⭐What are the general phase exams for access to Higher Grade like?

Hello everyone! As you probably already know, the exams for access to Higher Level Vocational Training Cycles in Madrid consist of a General Phase and a Specific Phase. Today we are going to talk to you about the General Phase, which is made up of the exams of:

  • Spanish Language and Literature.
  • English.
  • Mathematics or History: depending on the training cycle you want to access.

If you have signed up for the exams, you surely know that They are scheduled for May 10 and 11. In this article we are going to tell you what the exams for these subjects are like. And if you prefer that Lara tell it to you, then you can watch the video that we have prepared with explanations and advice on these exams.

Remember that on the day of the exams you have to bring your ID. Also that you will have to turn off your cell phone during the tests. Come on, let's see what the exams are like, and give you a couple of tips:

Exams of the General Phase of access to higher degree FP

The Spanish Language and Literature and English exams must be taken by all students who take the higher-level vocational training entrance exams.

Spanish Language and Literature

  • Length: 7 questions
  • Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes


  • You should always do it, but in this exam you should take special care of your spelling. And if you know that it is one of your weaknesses, try to strengthen it before the exam.
  • You have plenty of time to complete the exam. Read the text very carefully, at least a couple of times. 
  • Organize your ideas before writing the summary, the argumentative text or the literature topic. That is, think about what you are going to write, and how you are going to organize it, and then write your response.
  • Prepare your literature topics very well, with summaries and outlines, and memorize authors and works.


  • Length: approximately 7 questions.
  • Duration: 1 hour (Be careful! The duration of this exam is shorter than the rest).


  • You are writing in English, so take care of your handwriting, and pay special attention to the order of the letters in each word. 
  • Read the text carefully, with each pass you make you will understand it a little better.
  • Study the verb tenses and their conjugations.
  • During your preparation, practice writing between 70 and 100 words. It is the part that normally makes us laziest, and in the test they always ask us for one in the last question.

Optional exams depending on the Training Cycle you want to access.

From 2022, students taking the entrance exams for higher-level vocational training in Madrid in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences, depending on the Vocational Training Cycle they wish to access, will be able to choose between taking the Mathematics or History of Spain exam.


  • Length: approximately 4 questions.
  • Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • The use of a non-programmable calculator is permitted.


  • Since Mates have formulas and symbols, we especially recommend that you take care of their cleanliness and presentation. Try to properly indicate the answer to each problem, so that the person who corrects you can easily find the solution you propose.
  • We will never recommend that you prepare for an exam only by practicing standard exercises, but when you have studied the entire syllabus, dedicate a few study sessions to practicing the most typical exercises in this syllabus. Don't you know what they are? Ask your teacher 🙂 
  • Start with the problems that seem most accessible to you. This way you will score points soon and gain confidence.

History of Spain

  • Length: approximately 7 questions.
  • Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.


  • Practice the definitions of some terms from the syllabus.
  • Look at photos and watch historical videos as this will help you memorize the events much better.
  • During the study, work with diagrams and order historical events chronologically.
  • You must know the configurations of the map of Spain and Europe throughout the centuries. 

Now you know what the General Phase exams of the higher degree vocational training entrance exams in Madrid are like. So it's your turn to finish studying and see our solved exams on the blog. Also the videos in which the academy teachers solve the exams, question by question.

Hit it!


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