⭐PCE UNEDasiss 2025 Language | What the exam will be like and 5 tips

Tips for the UNEDasiss PCE Language exam 2023 - Luis Vives Study Center

⭐PCE UNEDasiss 2025 Language | What the exam will be like and 5 tips

Many students encounter serious difficulties when preparing the subject of Spanish Language and Literature for the PCE UNEDasiss 2025 Selectivity. Some come from non-Spanish-speaking countries, which represents an added difficulty in preparation. If you appear soon, we will tell you what the exam is like and give you some tips to pass it.

How will the PCE UNEDasiss 2025 Language exam be?

The PCE UNEDasiss Language exam, both in the ordinary and extraordinary sessions, will last 90 minutes, will have a single option with a text and the following parts: 

  • Part 1,5: Block in which you have to briefly answer a question related to linguistic diversity, which has a total value of XNUMX points. This block offers only one question.
  • Part 7: Block of 3 objective questions with a total value of 6 points. You only have to answer 7 of the 6 questions. If you answer all the questions, only the first 0,5 will be corrected. Each correct answer counts for 0,15 points, each wrong answer subtracts XNUMX points, and blank questions do not count. There is only one correct answer ―a), b) or c)― for each question.
  • Third part: Block in which you have to write an argumentative text that has a total value of 2,5 points. In this block, two options are offered (A and B); you only have to choose one of them.
  • Part 3: Block in which you have to develop a literary theme that has a total value of XNUMX points. In this block, two options are offered (A and B); you only have to choose one of them.

Five tips to improve your results on the Language exam

Spanish Language and Literature is a subject in which essential knowledge is acquired for any competent speaker of our language, as it helps us express ourselves in a more correct and appropriate way and be aware of the mechanisms that our language makes available to us.  

Facing the study of this subject will not be difficult if you follow these tips:

  1. Practice texts. A very common mistake when preparing for this subject is to think that you can get a good grade just by memorizing concepts. All the theoretical knowledge you have acquired must always be accompanied by practice. Train your reading comprehension and writing skills: read texts, summarize them, write arguments. The exam models already solved (you have many on our website) will serve as a guide.
  1. Pay attention to the literature. The most important thing is that you do not leave the study of literature to the last minute: organize yourself, make outlines and be very clear about which authors are included in each topic. It is also important that you do not read them all “at once”, but that you intersperse the study of literary movements with other topics because, otherwise, it is very likely that you will begin to mix data and a hodgepodge of names will form in your head. It is also advisable that you be aware of the context in which each literary movement is inserted because, in the end, the works of that period are the result of the moment in which they are living. 
  1. Spend time reading the text and questions. It is important that you read the text from which the exam starts as many times as necessary, since many of the questions deal with its content. Reading it just once and starting to answer the exam will only mean you have to go back to the text again and again to locate what you need, making you waste very valuable time. Read the statements carefully and stick to answering what is asked. Don't digress.
  1. Take care of spelling. What you write is as important as how you write it. If points are deducted for spelling errors in all subjects, in this specific subject the criteria are more rigid. Review spelling rules and the use of punctuation marks, as they are essential. It is very annoying to have made an effort to study, answer the questions well and see how your grade decreases because of mistakes, accent marks or even handwriting.
  1. Control time and space. You must adjust to the time you have. If you know what the test you are taking is going to be, you will already know its structure and that will help you estimate how much time you can dedicate to each question so that you have time to take the entire exam. If you have a limit of pages in your test, calculate beforehand how much you can extend in each exercise so as not to have space problems. 

It would be advisable for you to do mock exams at home, as they will help you calculate these two parameters. To do this, you have at your disposal on our website both exam models , the solved exams from previous years, both from selectividad PCE UNEDasiss and PAU. In addition, in our youtube channel, You will also be able to see the explanation of some exams solved by our teachers. 

We wish you the best of luck!


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