Our 2025 Madrid PAU exam model solutions have been corrected by expert teachers, not by an AI. Only at Luis Vives will you find the best solved Selectividad exams. Reject imitations!
With the exams just published, it is essential to be prepared, as significant changes will be implemented this year that will affect all students. At Luis Vives we have been preparing for the Selectividad for more than 25 years, and we have been preparing for the new changes in the PAU for several years.
The University Entrance Exam (PAU), previously called EvAU or EBAU, will experience a change in its format and evaluation, making it essential to understand these changes in order to face the exams with confidence.
Key Changes in the 2025 PAU in Madrid
With the entry into force of the LOMLOE, in 2025 there will be significant changes in the exams. These changes will be implemented gradually, but some will already occur this year:
- Single Exam Model: Starting in 2025, all students will have to take a single exam model, eliminating the advantage of choosing between two options. This means that you will have to study the entire content of the syllabus without leaving anything out. There are still options to choose from, because in some blocks of questions you are allowed to choose between two questions.
- Greater Emphasis on Skills: The questions will be designed to assess not only your theoretical knowledge, but also your ability to apply that knowledge in real-life situations. The aim is to encourage skills such as critical thinking and creativity. But don't panic! The questions on the 2025 PAU exams will be quite similar to those of previous years.
- Penalty for Spelling Errors: Starting this year, spelling and grammar errors will affect your final grade, representing up to 10% of the total grade in exercises that require writing.
- Common Criteria Assessment: All students in Spain will be assessed using the same criteria, which promises greater equity in grading.
Strategies to face the PAU
If you are going to prepare for the Selectividad for 2025, make sure to follow these strategies:
- Familiarize yourself with the Format: Practice with the new exam model, and look for preparation centers that adapt their courses to this type of questions. Have you heard of our Selectividad courses?
- Consolidate your knowledge: Don't just memorize. Starting this year, it is more important than ever that you know how to apply the knowledge you acquire to real situations, and that you know how to develop it in different contexts.
- Check your Spelling: Take time to review and improve your spelling skills to avoid penalties.
We leave you the PAU Madrid 2025 exam models solved by our teachers. You can find them in PDF or video on our YouTube channel.

At Academia Luis Vives Madrid, we are here to help you shine in your PAU 2025 exams. If you need additional support or want to practice with our resources, please feel free to contact us!