
Students around a table
The importance of summer academies

Summer! It is a wonderful time of rest and fun for many students. But taking summer classes can also be a great opportunity to prepare for your academic future. In Madrid, many summer academies offer courses aimed at preparing for September exams, pre-university courses or remedial courses for students who have arrived from a stay abroad.

Why summer is so important for the preparation of the PCE UNEDasiss September 2024

The summer period provides a large amount of free time that can be used to review and reinforce the concepts learned during the school year. For students facing the PCE UNEDasiss Selectivity exams in September, summer becomes a very important period. They can review the content, resolve doubts and practice exercises, all under the expert guidance of qualified teachers. If you still have time to prepare, check out our PCE UNEDasiss Selectivity summer course 2024.

Should I study at an academy the summer before university?

For those about to enter college, it is essential to be prepared for the academic challenges that await you. Especially in Science, Engineering or Health degrees. The summer pre-university courses They offer the perfect opportunity. They can familiarize themselves with the content of key subjects and develop the skills necessary to survive the first year of university. The knowledge of Algebra, Calculus, Physics or Chemistry are the most in demand by pre-university students in summer.

Benefits of reinforcement in a summer academy for students who come from a stay abroad

For students who have spent an academic year in countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom or Ireland, returning to Spain can present unique challenges. Adapting to a new educational system and leveling up knowledge can be essential to ensure a smooth transition.

The summer academies in Madrid offer specialized educational reinforcement courses (such as this). They are designed to help these students close knowledge gaps. It allows them to acquire the necessary skills to successfully (re)integrate into the Spanish educational system. 

From specific classes in the most demanding subjects, such as Mathematics or Physics and Chemistry, to personalized tutoring in specific subjects, summer academies offer the necessary support so that students who have arrived from abroad level up, and feel safe and prepared for face the new school year 24-25.

There is time for everything?

Definitely yes. Fortunately, summer is long. It is not only a time to relax, but also a great opportunity to invest in your academic future. Whether for students preparing for the PCE UNEDasiss Selectivity exams in September 2024, starting their university journey or adapting to a new educational system after studying abroad, summer educational reinforcement in Madrid offers the necessary support to achieve academic success. 

If you are looking for an academy this summer of 2024 you can check our courses. You will surely find what you need. If not, contact us and we will help you in every way possible.

Person with passport and suitcase to travel to study in Spain
Study in Spain if your Bachelor's degree is from the EU, China or IB International Baccalaureate

For many years now, young Europeans and Chinese have chosen Spain as a destination for their higher studies. For 25 years, at Luis Vives we have received hundreds of these students. They come to pursue a university degree or complete a cycle of Higher Vocational Training. And this is not just limited to Europeans and Chinese! Every year, Spain welcomes with open arms students of different nationalities who hold the International Baccalaureate (IB) degree. Spain is a country with many academic and professional options for those who wish to undertake an international educational experience. There are many reasons to study in Spain if you are from the EU, China or have an IB International Baccalaureate (Annex I studies).

Reasons to study in Spain

Why travel to Spain to study? If you are thinking about packing your bags and traveling to Spain to study, we hope these reasons will help you decide:

  • Educational quality exceptional: Spain boasts a solid academic tradition. You can find dozens of high-level universities throughout its geography.
  • Diversity of programs Academics: Spanish universities offer different branches of knowledge: engineering, health, business administration, etc.
  • Cultural and heritage wealth: Spain is famous for its rich culture. It has numerous museums, historical sites and artistic manifestations that will enrich your living and learning experience.
  • Gateway to Europe: Spain gives you the opportunity to get to know other countries in Europe. This is due to its proximity and the countless connections by land, sea and air.
  • Climatic and geographical diversity: In Spain you can find all kinds of landscapes. From the mountains of the north to the warm beaches of the south, passing through incredible cities like Madrid, Barcelona or Seville.
  • Enriching international experience: Studying in Spain allows you to connect with people from hundreds of countries. They choose our land as a destination for their educational and professional development.
  • Promising job prospects: Many students choose to stay in Spain after graduating. Although youth unemployment is among the highest in Europe, there are many opportunities for students with higher degrees.
  • World-renowned gastronomy: If you come to Spain you will be sure to enjoy one of the best cuisines in the world. Who doesn't know the famous Mediterranean diet?
  • Vibrant university life: In Spain, university life is vibrant, with a wide variety of activities day and night, with bars and shows that enrich the lives of all students.

Steps and documentation necessary to study in Spain if your Baccalaureate is from the EU, Chinese or IB 

To study in Spain you must meet the requirements to be admitted to a Spanish university. It is required to have a qualification equivalent to the Spanish Baccalaureate and, normally, pass a university entrance test known as UNED Selectivity: the PCE UNEDasiss Specific Competencies Tests.

  • Students with the International Baccalaureate (IB) or European Baccalaureate (EU) must have a certified copy of the International Baccalaureate diploma or Baccalaureate degree, and the IB or 2nd Baccalaureate transcript if it is European. 
  • Chinese students must translate and legalize their high school diploma (Pu Tang Gao) and national exam (Gao Kao). 
  • In most cases, students must apply for UNEDasiss accreditation and register for the Specific Competencies Tests (PCE).. These tests take place in May and September and are widely recognized by Spanish universities to admit international students. Generally, these students will take only two PCE UNEDasiss subjects. You can prepare for these tests both in a foreign country and in Spain. From anywhere, you can always choose our training online o in-person or.

Once the PCE UNEDasiss tests have been passed, UNED will issue the necessary accreditation for access to the university. Your admission grade at the university will be calculated based on the grades obtained in the PCE UNEDasiss and the grades of your Baccalaureate or university entrance test in your country, depending on whether you have IB, Baccalaureate of the European Union or China .

Other important aspects if you plan to study in Spain if your Baccalaureate is from the EU, China or IB

There are some things you should keep in mind if you are thinking of studying in Spain if your Baccalaureate is from the EU, China or is an International Baccalaureate:

  • study visa: to study in Spain if you are from a non-EU country, that is, if you are from a non-European country, you must apply for a visa at the Spanish Consulate in the country of origin, proving your registration in a teaching center, your economic capacity , the home you will have in Spain and the absence of criminal records. If you are from the EU, things are much easier. Surely you will be very interested in reviewing this article that we have created with all the tips to move to Spain if you are an EU citizen, or this other one if you want emigrate to Spain as a non-EU citizen.
  • Cost of living in Spain: you must calculate the expenses related to your trip and stay in Spain, including travel expenses, housing, maintenance, lifestyle and academic expenses.
  • Adaptation to the Spanish educational system: although the educational systems of the EU, China or the IB share similarities with the Spanish one, there may be differences, such as the level of some subjects. Preparing properly is essential to achieve success.
  • You can look for support networks to help you undertake this adventure, such as agents who facilitate the procedures and transition.

We help you with everything you need to study in Spain

At the Luis Vives Study Center, in addition to offering the preparation course for the PCE UNEDasiss Specific Competencies Tests, we provide administrative, legal and academic advisory services, such as:

  • Help to apply for a study visa.
  • Assistance with the procedures upon arriving in Spain: housing, insurance, opening a bank account, contracting services, etc.
  • We advise you so that you know choose your subjects of the PCE UNEDasiss Specific Competencies Tests.
  • Registration service for UNEDasiss accreditation.
  • Information about universities in Madrid and throughout Spain, both public and private.

If you have already decided, what are you waiting for? Get going now, you can start preparing for the PCE UNEDasiss test subjects and count on our help during your trip and learning. Do not doubt contact us!

My name is Elena Barea, I am the coordinator of the PCE course and expert counselor in the UNEDasiss accreditation of the Luis Vives Study Center. I hope I've helped. Cheer up, now for 10!

person puts seal approve bachelor's degree spain
[Updated 2025]⭐Requirements to homologate the Bachelor's degree in Spain

Hello, Vivers! If you want to study in Spain and you have a Secondary or Baccalaureate degree in your country, this article is of interest to you. We have been helping our students access Spanish universities for more than 25 years. Every year, thousands of students from all over the world come to our country with the aim of Access to college or a Higher education training cycle. To do this, the vast majority of them will need to homologate the Bachelor's degree in Spain, so it is essential to know the requirements and steps to be able to carry out this procedure. In this article we tell you how to homologate your studies to the Spanish Baccalaureate: who can present it, what documentation you need, what legalization and translation is, where you should present it and how long it will take to receive the approved Baccalaureate degree.

Who can submit the application for homologation to the Spanish Baccalaureate

Any person or their representative whose studies in their country are considered equivalent to the Spanish Baccalaureate can request the homologation of their qualification. To find out the equivalence of your qualification with the Spanish educational system, you can consult this website. In this link you can review the equivalence of your qualification to the different educational levels in Spain. This way you will be able to know what level your studies correspond to. In this article we are going to focus on those students who can homologate their qualification to the Spanish Baccalaureate, but if you have questions about any of the other levels of homologation you can leave us a comment below.

Documentation necessary to approve the Bachelor's degree in Spain

The Secondary or Baccalaureate degree of each country is different. To homologate your studies to the Spanish Baccalaureate, the Spanish Ministry of Education requires that you present the following documents:

  • Document proving the applicant's identity: passport, NIE or DNI. If the request is made by a representative, a signed authorization for representation must also be attached.
  • Official Bachelor's degree or diploma.
  • Certification of grades accrediting the last three years of Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification.
  • Application model.
  • Flyer for conditional registration in educational centers.
  • payment of the rate 079: currently, 49,76 euros. If you are outside of Spain, you have the option of making a international transfer for the payment of this fee.

If you go in person to apply, they will give you the application form and the flyer there.

Legalization and translation of documents

If your educational system does NOT belong to the EU or Switzerland, it is necessary that the documents you present be legalized or apostilled for them to have legal validity. This procedure of sealing documents with the Hague Apostille is normally carried out at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country of origin.

Furthermore, if your educational system is not Spanish-speaking, the documents you present to validate the Bachelor's degree in Spain must be accompanied by an official translation into Spanish. This official translation can be done through a sworn translator authorized and registered in Spain, or through the diplomatic or consular representation in your country of origin, or at the Embassy or Consulate of your country in Spain.

Where to submit the application to homologate the Bachelor's degree in Spain

You can submit this request electronically or in person. 

If you want to do it online, by yourself or through a representative, you can do it at the Electronic Headquarters of the Ministry of Education. In the application you will fill out the form, you will be able to include all the necessary documentation, and the registration flyer will be automatically generated, necessary to be able to take the PCE UNEDasiss Selectivity. Don't you know what UNEDasiss PCE are? They are the university entrance exams that international students must take if they want to enter a university degree. Look this article more info.

We show you what the online application looks like:

Online application to approve a Bachelor's degree in Spain
Online application for homologation to the Spanish Baccalaureate

If you prefer to do the process of homologating the Bachelor's degree in Spain in person, you can do it:

  • At the General Registry of the Ministry in Madrid: Calle Los Madrazo, 17. You can make an appointment this article, although you can also go without an appointment.
  • In the Information and Registration Offices of the Government Delegations or Subdelegations of the Autonomous Communities. You can make an appointment this article. In Madrid, the Government Delegation is on the street García de Paredes, 65.
  • In the General Registries of the diplomatic representations of Spain abroad, that is, in the Consulates or Embassies of Spain in your country of origin.

How long does it take to homologate the Bachelor's degree in Spain?

The deadline for the resolution of these files is 3 months, counting from the time you have created the complete application, with all the necessary documents, and have paid the fee.

Remember that, if you want to prepare to access a Spanish university, it is NOT necessary to have received the approved Baccalaureate to be able to take the UNEDasiss PCE. You can request accreditation and register for the UNED Selectivity tests with the flyer that is generated when making the application.

How can we help you

We hope that this article has been helpful to you in knowing how to homologate the Bachelor's degree in Spain. Remember that at CE Luis Vives we help you on your great adventure if you want to study in Spain:

  • We offer academic and professional guidance with our exclusive service LV EduAssist, which includes guidance on Immigrating to Spain, advice on how to validate your studies and help with the UNEDasiss accreditation process.
  • If you want to study at university in Spain, we have the best preparation course for the PCE UNEDasiss Specific Competencies Tests. You can study online o in-person or.
  • All updated teaching material, and an exclusive Virtual Campus with the best resources to prepare your university entrance tests. 
  • Luis Vives is the Managing Entity of the UNED, so we assist you throughout the registration process in the PCE UNEDasiss.
  • If you need to receive a long-term study visa, you can take our course and obtain a study certificate with which to apply for the visa.
  • If you need help to carry out your approval for the Spanish Baccalaureate, Luis Vives collaborates with the Vive Muy Mola Study Agency, who with their legal team accompany the entire process before the Ministry of Education. You can contact them through their account Instagram or in Web page, will help you with all the necessary procedures to make your international educational adventure a success. 

And if you've come this far and still have questions, leave us a comment below. Until next time!