Many students encounter serious difficulties when preparing the subject of Spanish Language and Literature for the PCE UNEDasiss 2025 Selectivity. Some come from non-Spanish-speaking countries, which represents an added difficulty in preparation. If you appear soon, we will tell you what the exam is like and give you some tips to pass it.
How will the PCE UNEDasiss 2025 Language exam be?
The PCE UNEDasiss Language exam, both in the ordinary and extraordinary sessions, will last 90 minutes, will have a single option with a text and the following parts:
Part 1,5: Block in which you have to briefly answer a question related to linguistic diversity, which has a total value of XNUMX points. This block offers only one question.
Part 7: Block of 3 objective questions with a total value of 6 points. You only have to answer 7 of the 6 questions. If you answer all the questions, only the first 0,5 will be corrected. Each correct answer counts for 0,15 points, each wrong answer subtracts XNUMX points, and blank questions do not count. There is only one correct answer ―a), b) or c)― for each question.
Third part: Block in which you have to write an argumentative text that has a total value of 2,5 points. In this block, two options are offered (A and B); you only have to choose one of them.
Part 3: Block in which you have to develop a literary theme that has a total value of XNUMX points. In this block, two options are offered (A and B); you only have to choose one of them.
Five tips to improve your results on the Language exam
Spanish Language and Literature is a subject in which essential knowledge is acquired for any competent speaker of our language, as it helps us express ourselves in a more correct and appropriate way and be aware of the mechanisms that our language makes available to us.
Facing the study of this subject will not be difficult if you follow these tips:
Practice texts. A very common mistake when preparing for this subject is to think that you can get a good grade just by memorizing concepts. All the theoretical knowledge you have acquired must always be accompanied by practice. Train your reading comprehension and writing skills: read texts, summarize them, write arguments. The exam models already solved (you have many on our website) will serve as a guide.
Pay attention to the literature. The most important thing is that you do not leave the study of literature to the last minute: organize yourself, make outlines and be very clear about which authors are included in each topic. It is also important that you do not read them all “at once”, but that you intersperse the study of literary movements with other topics because, otherwise, it is very likely that you will begin to mix data and a hodgepodge of names will form in your head. It is also advisable that you be aware of the context in which each literary movement is inserted because, in the end, the works of that period are the result of the moment in which they are living.
Spend time reading the text and questions. It is important that you read the text from which the exam starts as many times as necessary, since many of the questions deal with its content. Reading it just once and starting to answer the exam will only mean you have to go back to the text again and again to locate what you need, making you waste very valuable time. Read the statements carefully and stick to answering what is asked. Don't digress.
Take care of spelling. What you write is as important as how you write it. If points are deducted for spelling errors in all subjects, in this specific subject the criteria are more rigid. Review spelling rules and the use of punctuation marks, as they are essential. It is very annoying to have made an effort to study, answer the questions well and see how your grade decreases because of mistakes, accent marks or even handwriting.
Control time and space. You must adjust to the time you have. If you know what the test you are taking is going to be, you will already know its structure and that will help you estimate how much time you can dedicate to each question so that you have time to take the entire exam. If you have a limit of pages in your test, calculate beforehand how much you can extend in each exercise so as not to have space problems.
It would be advisable for you to do mock exams at home, as they will help you calculate these two parameters. To do this, you have at your disposal on our website both exam models , the solved exams from previous years, both from selectividad PCE UNEDasiss and PAU. In addition, in our youtube channel, You will also be able to see the explanation of some exams solved by our teachers.
In Spain, Health careers are in fashion. There are many students who come to our country with the aim of accessing degrees such as Medicine, Dentistry or Nursing. If that is your case then you will most likely have to prepare the Biology subject for the PCE UNEDasiss of 2025. We help you!
What will the PCE UNEDasiss 2025 exam be like?Biology
On the day of the UNEDasiss Specific Competence Tests, whether you take the exam in the ordinary or extraordinary session, you will find an exam consisting of 4 parts:
Part 2,5: This block has a total value of XNUMX points. This block offers two options (A and B). You only have to answer one of them.
Part 2,5: This block has a total value of XNUMX points. This block offers two options (A and B). You only have to answer one of them.
Part 8: Block of 2,5 objective questions with a total value of 5 points. You must only answer 8 of the 5 questions. If you answer more than 5 questions, only the first 0,5 will be corrected. Each correct answer adds 0,15 points, each error subtracts XNUMX points and blank questions do not count.
Part four: Block in which you have to read a text and answer all the questions about it, which has a total value of 2,5 points.
Our recommendation is that you practice with real exams from previous years. To do this, on our website you can find a large number of exam models, as como también exams of all subjects solved by our teaching team. Or if you prefer to see it on video, you also have them uploaded to our Youtube.
Five tips to improve your results on the Biology exam
Biology is a subject that is part of the subjects of the specific phase in the university entrance test, and that is part of the access route for the degrees in Sciences and Health Sciences.
It is an exciting and very interesting subject, but at the same time it is very extensive, and hence its difficulty when studying it.
That's why we're giving you 5 tips that will help you study the fundamental and most important aspects of the Biology subject, so that when you take the 2025 UNEDasiss PCE exam, you can be prepared to answer correctly and achieve the highest possible score. These tips are also valid if you're taking the PAU, in which case, we also recommend that you take a look at the article that they've published in our collaborating center, Bravosol Academy, in which they tell you the mistakes that you should avoid making in the Biology exam of PAU of 2025.
The Biology subject consists of 5 blocks. You can study them independently but don't be tempted to stop studying any of them. Everyone enters the exams. It is better to know all the contents of the syllabus than to master only part of it.
This subject has a very extensive and own vocabulary; Create a glossary with these words. With short and clear definitions, so that you can identify them and use them in the appropriate context.
Draw pictures. For example, one way to study the cell is by drawing pictures of its organelles. If you see exams from other years, you will be able to see that there are both questions with drawings that ask us to identify what they are, and questions in which they ask us to draw them. And, if we have practiced before, it will be less difficult for us to do it in the exam. They do not have to be artistic drawings, but they do have to be clear and in which what we want to highlight can be perfectly seen.
Make summaries of the topics as you study them. They include definitions, diagrams, comparative tables. The more you work on writing and exposing the concepts of the subject, the more you will learn.
Read about current events related to the show's topics. You can also watch outreach videos. Ultimately, it's about using all the tools you have, in addition to textbooks. We are surrounded by information about Biology and its relationship with our daily lives, which will help us understand the entire subject program.
Even if you were not born in Spain, it is quite likely that you will have to take the Geography of Spain exam in the PCE UNEDasiss 2025, if you want to prepare for access to university degrees in Social and Legal Sciences. The average grade obtained by students who pass this subject is around 7 out of 10. With our help, we hope you reach 10 (at least!)
What will the PCE UNEDasiss 2025 exam be like?Geography of Spain
On the day of the UNEDasiss Specific Skills Tests, whether you take the May or September exam, you will encounter the following exam structure:
Part 4: Block of four questions on thematic development, in which you must answer only two of them. The total value of the block will be 2 points (Each question will have a value of XNUMX points).
Second part: Block of 10 multiple choice questions with a total value of 2 points. You only have to answer 8. If you answer more questions than required, only the first eight will be counted. They are scored as follows: A correct answer adds 0,25 points. An incorrect answer subtracts 0,1 points. Blank answers do not count.
Third part: Block of two practical questions, in which you only have to answer one, with a total value of 4 points.
Remember that our recommendation is that you practice with real exams from previous years. For them, on our website you can find a large number of exam models from previous years, as well as solved exams by our teachers. You can also take a look at our YouTube Channel, where you can see videos with the resolution of different exams.
Five tips to improve your results in the Spanish Geography exam
Regarding the subject of Geography, we are interested in what is taught in the 2nd year of Baccalaureate. It is a subject incorporated into the section of modality-specific subjects, easy to understand and with great content.
Here are 5 tips to make studying easier and tackle the test successfully, whether you are taking the PCE UNEDasiss, the PAU, the university entrance exam for those over 25 or the baccalaureate. If you wish, you can also take a look at the blog of our partner center, Bravosol Academy, in which they have published an article with the errors that you should try to avoid when preparing for the Geography exam.
Study with maps of Spain next to you. This will help you memorize the map and locate some phenomena, both physical and human, that are seen in the matter.
Learn to solve practical exercises with a clear methodology. When facing practical exercises, it is best that you know how to structure them and a good methodology will provide you with a good basis to execute them during the test.
Know the definitions or geographical terms: the definitions are many, but they appear throughout the entire syllabus. In any case, we have to know how to define almost any geographical term. So in order not to memorize everything, it is best to understand it and thus be able to define it with our words.
Study the physical and political map of both Spain and Europe. It uses either atlases or geographic applications with interactive games, but the recognition of geographical features, as well as countries in Europe or provinces and communities in Spain, is something basic in the subject and in any exam on the subject.
Use correct geographical vocabulary. Even if we are not geographers, we must know how to explain ourselves adequately, using a rich vocabulary adapted to the subject. This will make the person examining you see that you handle geographical concepts well and know the subject.
Don't despair, grit your teeth and make one last effort.
Did you know that in recent years, among those who managed to pass the Physics subject of the PCE UNEDasiss, the average grade was higher than 7,5? If you want to access engineering, architecture or other science careers, you may have to take the Physics exam at the PCE UNEDasiss 2025. We explain what the exam is like, and if you read until the end we will give you five important tips to improve your skills. results.
What will the 2025 PCE exam be like?PhysicsPCE UNEDasiss
In the 2025 UNEDasiss PCE Physics exam, both in the June and September sessions, you will find 4 parts. Each part has a maximum score of 2,5 points:
Part 1: Two development problems, from which only one should be chosen.
Part 2: Two development problems, from which only one should be chosen.
Third part: a development problem with a statement adapted to competency-based assessment, without the possibility of choosing options.
Part 8: 5 multiple choice questions, of which only XNUMX need to be answered.
To obtain the full score in the development part, the result must not only be correct, but each question must also be justified and reasoned (also with words).
At the Luis Vives Study Center, we always recommend our students practice with real exams from other years. For them, we have a large number of exam models, and solved exams, which you can find both on our website and in our YouTube Channel.
Five tips to improve your results on the Physics exam
Physics tries to describe reality in a quantitative way, that is, through mathematical models. Therefore, the better your level of Mathematics, the easier your learning of Physics will be. However, Mathematics is not everything, there are also a series of concepts behind it that must be understood. And there are times when understanding these concepts can better strengthen the Mathematics behind it. Therefore, these tips are valid no matter what level you have 🙂
Below we leave you the 5 key points that we believe can help you prepare for your university entrance exam for Physics PCE UNEDasiss in 2025, although they are also valid for other Selectividad exams: PAU | EvAU | EBAU, over 25s, and even access to higher grade training cycles. If you are going to take the PAU, we recommend that you this article from our collaborating center, Academia Bravosol, where they tell you what the Physics exam will be like and the mistakes you should avoid making in it.
Practice with the calculator you are going to take to the exam. It may seem obvious, but mastering your work material is essential. There are many errors that can come from not having written scientific notation properly, from errors in parentheses levels or from confusion with radians and degrees. Plus, if you know your work tools you will go faster!
Always do the exercises cleanly. That is, solve the exercises you do to practice as you would do them in an exam. Well organized, legible and beautiful. At first it will take longer, but as you get used to it, it will come naturally. And whoever corrects you will want to give you a higher grade if you make their life easier 😉
Explain the ideas as if you were teaching the person reading you. Explaining your developments helps you connect physical ideas much better. In addition, the exercises can be followed more easily and you will show that you know a lot.
Solve algebraically and then substitute the data. That is, first solve for the magnitude you want to calculate from the equation instead of substituting the data and then solving. For example, if the exercise asks you to calculate how far apart you have to place two charges so that they feel a certain force, we first solve for the distance from Coulomb's law and then we will substitute the data of the charges and the force. Many errors can come from doing an intermediate calculation wrong, while this way you only have to enter the data into the calculator once.
Ask yourself if your results make physical sense. You can detect an error in an exercise due to a result that does not make sense. For example, if you are calculating a speed, you can know that that result is wrong if it is greater than the speed of light. And so with distances, temperatures, energies,…
Don't despair, grit your teeth and make one last effort.
Our resolutions of the 2025 PCE UNEDasiss exam models have been made by expert teachers from louis you live, who have spent hours detailing each solution and adjusting their explanations to the new evaluation framework established by the LOMLOE. They are not AI-solved exams nor are they a generic solution: they are rigorous solutions, designed to guarantee your success.
This year, UNEDasiss has published the models adapted to the educational innovations introduced by the LOMLOE, offering a renewed and more competitive approach. As UNEDasiss Collaborating EntityAt Luis Vives we have been preparing international students to access Spanish universities for over 25 years, which positions us as a benchmark in this test.
Key Changes in the UNEDasiss 2025 PCE
With the entry into force of the LOMLOE, this year's exam models have undergone significant modifications, to which you should pay special attention to optimize your preparation:
New exam format: This year, the assessment approach is unified, maintaining a more homogeneous structure, but with less optionality in the questions. Although some blocks allow you to choose between two questions, there will no longer be completely different options for the same subject.
Focus on competencies: The questions are designed to measure not only knowledge, but also the ability to apply concepts to practical situations. This includes interpreting data, analyzing real cases, and arguing coherently.
Weight of spelling errors: For the first time, writing will be assessed more rigorously, penalizing spelling errors up to 10% of the total grade in subjects that involve writing.
Greater uniformity in evaluation criteria: Although the PCE are unique exams for each student based on their choice of subjects, the evaluation criteria have been adapted to ensure greater equity between students from different educational systems.
Resolutions of the UNEDasiss 2025 PCE Models
En louis you live We provide you with the most complete exam models, solved and explained by our team of experts. Each solution includes:
Step by step explanations: Clear and structured details so you understand each answer.
Resolution Strategies: Tips for dealing with similar questions on exam day.
Materials in accessible formats: Download the solved models in PDF or check out our solutions at video through our YouTube channel.
PCE UNEDasiss 2025 Solved Models
Prepare for your exams with the #1 PCE School and secure your place at a Spanish university.
If you are going to take the PCE UNEDasiss 2025 exams, we leave you some important recommendations:
Study with real models: Familiarize yourself with the format and structure of the questions through our solved models.
Prioritize applied understanding: Take time to understand key concepts and how to use them in practical cases.
Check your writing skills: Improving your spelling and writing will help you avoid unnecessary penalties.
Trust specialized professionals: At Luis Vives you will find the best support to prepare yourself, with methods adapted to the new requirements of the test.
We hope we have helped you prepare for your 2025 exams. Cheer up, now for the 10!
Did you know that every year thousands of students from all over the world choose Spain to continue their studies? And it's not difficult to understand why! Studying in Spain as a foreigner is a guarantee of receiving an education of the best quality and a very solid professional future. If you are thinking about packing your bags and coming to Spain, this article will interest you. It is not an article written by Artificial Intelligence, it has been created by our experts in advice and guidance for foreign students.
Students come to our country from all corners: France, the United Kingdom, Colombia, the USA, Venezuela, Korea, Guinea, Peru, Tunisia, Ecuador, Morocco... the list is endless. Studying at a Spanish University as a foreigner can become quite an adventure, taking into account all the administrative and academic aspects that the student must face.
For this reason we have created the Student Assistance Service LV EduAssist. The Luis Vives Study Center has more than 25 years of experience in preparing its students for access to higher, university and vocational training studies. We have a team of more than 20 professionals expertly dedicated to the training and academic and professional guidance of young people from all over the world. If you want to receive more information about this service, contact us at this form, send us a WhatsApp.
Study in Spain as a Foreign Student
If you are thinking about packing your bags and coming to Spain, there will be several issues that you will have to consider. Many of them have to do with the always difficult Spanish bureaucracy and with the studies you want to do here. Below we explain some details that will surely shed some light on your path.
Complete guide to immigrate to Spain
If you are wondering what the steps are to emigrate to Spain without complications, you are not alone. Many students come to us with the same concern. If you have arrived here with this same doubt, remember that we have a complete guide in which we explain in detail all the steps you must follow if you want to move to Spain successfully. You will have to take into account the tasks you must complete before coming, such as obtaining a passport or obtaining a visa; as well as those you must achieve when you land here: find a residence, register, and apply for the NIE and TIE.
Educational levels in Spain
As in other countries, in Spain we have various educational levels, and understanding them is key to knowing where you fit best:
Infant and Primary: up to 12 years old
Secondary: up to 16 years old
Baccalaureate: up to 18 years old
Higher Studies (University and Vocational Training): from 18 years old
Depending on the educational level you have achieved in your country, you can join one of the levels we have in Spain. To do this, you will need to prove your academic qualifications before the Ministry of Education and prepare to join at the level you want. Here You have a detailed guide of the steps to follow depending on your educational level.
Study at the Spanish University as a Foreigner
Have you just finished Secondary or Baccalaureate in your country and are you dreaming of studying at a Spanish University? You are in the right place to start your journey! To achieve this, you have to follow some steps:
It may seem simple at first glance, but we know the details can be complicated. Don't worry, we're here to help you every step of the way!
Why LV EduAssist Is it the best service for International Students in Spain?
The Luis Vives Study Center has brought together all the experience of its expert counselors to provide an answer to all those students who want to Study in Spain as foreigners, but do not know where to start.
What is LV EduAssist?
The Help Desk LV EduAssist It consists of personalized advice that is based on your age, your educational level, country of origin and objectives in Spain.
First, we study your profile in depth, then we have an interview with you, either by videoconference or in person, to guide and advise you on the entire process. From there, we will follow up with you to ensure that your adventure of studying in Spain is a success.
LV EduAssist: the best orientation if you want to Study in Spain
This advisory and guidance service includes:
Assistance for the procedures to be carried out when immigrating to Spain: visa, residence and registration in Spain, obtaining the NIE and TIE and advice and help to live in our country.
How to homologate your studies in Spain.
Access to the Spanish University: choice of PCE UNEDasiss subjects, registration for the UNED Selectivity exams, guidance on admission to public and private universities.
Benefits of hiring LV EduAssist
Choosing us will give you a unique advantage if you want to Study in Spain:
Save time and effort: With LV EduAssist, you won't have to navigate the complex Spanish bureaucracy on your own. We are in charge of guiding you step by step in all the necessary procedures, from obtaining the visa until you achieve your goal of Studying in Spain. You just worry about studying, we'll take care of the rest!
Reduce stress: We know that moving to a new country can be overwhelming. Our service makes sure you have all the information and support you need to make your transition to Spain as smooth as possible. No more uncertainty or confusion; you will be in good hands.
Maximize your chances of success: Thanks to our experience of more than 25 years, we know the exact requirements and the best strategies for you to be admitted to the Spanish university of your choice. We help you prepare for exams, choose the right subjects, and submit a successful application.
Personalized advice: We do not believe in standard solutions. Each student is different, that is why we personalize our advice according to your profile, country of origin, educational level and academic objectives. This individualized approach increases your chances of success in Spain.
Testimony of a satisfied student
“I prepared with Luis Vives online from Havana and I am enormously grateful to all my teachers. Thanks to them I learned a lot and achieved very good results in the PCE selectivity exams. Furthermore, I was admitted to my university of choice and to the desired degree. Therefore, I have no words to thank this great academy.”
All students at the Luis Vives Study Center enjoy the service LV EduAssist, valued at 120 euros. You can hire it even if you are not a Luis Vives student. Ready to take the first step towards your future in Spain? Fill this form, send us a WhatsApp, and one of our experts will contact you to start planning your success.
Do not hesitate: LV EduAssist It is the best Guidance and Advice Service you will find if you want to Study in Spain as a foreigner.
If you have to register at the university in Madrid in 2024, we will help you do the process step by step. This article is useful for you if you have applied to:
To pre-register you can click this article, or search for “Madrid university pre-registration” on Google. For students +25, +40 or +45, the link is this.
Remember that this year 2024 the deadline to pre-register is from June 7 to June 28. The list of those admitted will be published on July 12, and claims will be made on July 12, 15 and 16.
Before carrying out the pre-registration process, it is best that you have on your PC the identity document (front and back) and the card with your qualifications in the Selectivity, both in PDF format.
If you access the link indicated above, you will see that the first thing you must do is create a user. It is a very simple process that you have done a thousand times on many websites.
Once the user is created you will be able to access the process. This process has three steps to complete:
Personal information.
Academic data.
Studies to request.
Personal detailsnecessary for enrollment in the university in Madrid in 2024
In this first tab we will have to put our information: name and others, birth information and contact information. At the bottom you will see how you can choose any of the four ways in which you are going to apply for a place at the university in Madrid:
University entrance tests (EvAU, PAU).
Foreign educational systems (UNEDasiss accreditation).
Vocational training.
Official university degree and equivalent titles.
If your access has been by people over 25, 40 or 45, you must indicate the correct route.
Academic data
In this tab you must complete the academic data related to the access route you have chosen. You will complete fields such as:
Applied studies.
Year in which you finished your studies.
Center where you made them.
Branch of knowledge.
Inclusion in some of the special quotas: disability, high performance athletes, etc.
Studies to request
This is the most fun part of filling, because this is where You must indicate the 12 university degrees in order of preference which you would like to access. It is not mandatory that you indicate 12, you can choose less.
For this step, we recommend that you compare the cutting notese of the current year with your grades obtained (you can use our EvAU grade calculator or of PCE UNEDasiss) to know what options you would have to obtain a place in the different university degrees offered in Madrid. We recommend that you make a list of the 12 degrees in order of priority that you would like to access.
Safeguarding and uploading documents for registration at the university in Madrid in 2024
Once you have completed the three previous steps, they will send you an email with confirmation of your pre-registration. In addition to being able to review all the data you have included and the grades you have chosen, you will see a tab called “documentation”, where you can upload the documents they ask for: identification document and report card.
All the data you have included in the pre-registration is saved in the cloud, so you can log out without fear. You can log back in with your username at any time if you want to review your pre-registration, upload new documentation or change something.
We hope to have helped you, but above all we hope that you manage to access the career you want. Happy summer!
Hello, #Vivers! The date that many of you have marked in red on your calendar is here. The PCE UNEDasiss 2024 Specific Skills Test exams begin, for which you have been preparing for several months. Months of effort and dedication to reach this moment as best prepared as possible. We hope that your efforts bear fruit and that you can all obtain your goal: the best grades to be able to access the university studies you want. And, as in previous years, in June 2024 we will once again try to be the fastest in offering you the different solved exams of the PCE UNEDasiss selectivity tests, corrected by our team of teachers.
PCE UNEDasiss 2024 exam dates
Like every year, the PCE UNEDasiss 2024 selectivity exams are spread over an entire week. This year specifically between May 20 and 24 in the different headquarters that the UNED has enabled throughout the Spanish territory. In 2024, the PCE UNEDasiss exams are distributed as follows:
Monday, May 20: History of Philosophy, Business and Design of Business Models and Geography of Spain.
Tuesday, May 21: Physics, English, History of Spain and Technical Drawing.
Wednesday, May 22: Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences, Mathematics II and Art History
Thursday, May 23: Spanish Language and Literature, Chemistry and Biology.
This calendar corresponds to the center where our students will take their exams in Madrid. The normal thing is that there are no variations in the different locations established by the UNED, although in some of the examination centers there could be some specific variation.
After the good reception from you in previous years, we are going to prepare videos again with the solved PCE UNEDasiss exams of 2024. As soon as we have them recorded, you will be able to see them in our channel of YouTube, which you can access from the links that we will enable under the icon corresponding to each subject.
Please note that the resolution of these exams is provisional, we are still reviewing them.
We remind you that when you have reviewed the corrections of the solved PCE UNEDasiss 2024 selectivity exams that interest you and you have an approximate idea of the grades you can obtain in them, you can use our PCE grade calculator UNEDasiss to calculate what your university entrance grade will be.
We wish you all the luck in the world and that you obtain the best possible result and achieve the grade necessary to access the desired degree and university. In case you do not succeed, we remind you that in September you have another opportunity in the extraordinary call. To help you prepare for this new call, at the Luis Vives Study Center, we have prepared a super intensive course in summer. If you are interested in this course, you can contact contact with us, send us a e-mail or write to us WhatsApp.
For many years now, young Europeans and Chinese have chosen Spain as a destination for their higher studies. For 25 years, at Luis Vives we have received hundreds of these students. They come to pursue a university degree or complete a cycle of Higher Vocational Training. And this is not just limited to Europeans and Chinese! Every year, Spain welcomes with open arms students of different nationalities who hold the International Baccalaureate (IB) degree. Spain is a country with many academic and professional options for those who wish to undertake an international educational experience. There are many reasons to study in Spain if you are from the EU, China or have an IB International Baccalaureate (Annex I studies).
Reasons to study in Spain
Why travel to Spain to study? If you are thinking about packing your bags and traveling to Spain to study, we hope these reasons will help you decide:
Educational quality exceptional: Spain boasts a solid academic tradition. You can find dozens of high-level universities throughout its geography.
Diversity of programs Academics: Spanish universities offer different branches of knowledge: engineering, health, business administration, etc.
Cultural and heritage wealth: Spain is famous for its rich culture. It has numerous museums, historical sites and artistic manifestations that will enrich your living and learning experience.
Gateway to Europe: Spain gives you the opportunity to get to know other countries in Europe. This is due to its proximity and the countless connections by land, sea and air.
Climatic and geographical diversity: In Spain you can find all kinds of landscapes. From the mountains of the north to the warm beaches of the south, passing through incredible cities like Madrid, Barcelona or Seville.
Enriching international experience: Studying in Spain allows you to connect with people from hundreds of countries. They choose our land as a destination for their educational and professional development.
Promising job prospects: Many students choose to stay in Spain after graduating. Although youth unemployment is among the highest in Europe, there are many opportunities for students with higher degrees.
World-renowned gastronomy: If you come to Spain you will be sure to enjoy one of the best cuisines in the world. Who doesn't know the famous Mediterranean diet?
Vibrant university life: In Spain, university life is vibrant, with a wide variety of activities day and night, with bars and shows that enrich the lives of all students.
Steps and documentation necessary to study in Spain if your Baccalaureate is from the EU, Chinese or IB
To study in Spain you must meet the requirements to be admitted to a Spanish university. It is required to have a qualification equivalent to the Spanish Baccalaureate and, normally, pass a university entrance test known as UNED Selectivity: the PCE UNEDasiss Specific Competencies Tests.
Students with the International Baccalaureate (IB) or European Baccalaureate (EU) must have a certified copy of the International Baccalaureate diploma or Baccalaureate degree, and the IB or 2nd Baccalaureate transcript if it is European.
Chinese students must translate and legalize their high school diploma (Pu Tang Gao) and national exam (Gao Kao).
In most cases, students must apply for UNEDasiss accreditation and register for the Specific Competencies Tests (PCE).. These tests take place in May and September and are widely recognized by Spanish universities to admit international students. Generally, these students will take only two PCE UNEDasiss subjects. You can prepare for these tests both in a foreign country and in Spain. From anywhere, you can always choose our training online o in-person or.
Once the PCE UNEDasiss tests have been passed, UNED will issue the necessary accreditation for access to the university. Your admission grade at the university will be calculated based on the grades obtained in the PCE UNEDasiss and the grades of your Baccalaureate or university entrance test in your country, depending on whether you have IB, Baccalaureate of the European Union or China .
Other important aspects if you plan to study in Spain if your Baccalaureate is from the EU, China or IB
There are some things you should keep in mind if you are thinking of studying in Spain if your Baccalaureate is from the EU, China or is an International Baccalaureate:
study visa: to study in Spain if you are from a non-EU country, that is, if you are from a non-European country, you must apply for a visa at the Spanish Consulate in the country of origin, proving your registration in a teaching center, your economic capacity , the home you will have in Spain and the absence of criminal records. If you are from the EU, things are much easier. Surely you will be very interested in reviewing this article that we have created with all the tips to move to Spain if you are an EU citizen, or this other one if you want emigrate to Spain as a non-EU citizen.
Cost of living in Spain: you must calculate the expenses related to your trip and stay in Spain, including travel expenses, housing, maintenance, lifestyle and academic expenses.
Adaptation to the Spanish educational system: although the educational systems of the EU, China or the IB share similarities with the Spanish one, there may be differences, such as the level of some subjects. Preparing properly is essential to achieve success.
You can look for support networks to help you undertake this adventure, such as agents who facilitate the procedures and transition.
We help you with everything you need to study in Spain
Assistance with the procedures upon arriving in Spain: housing, insurance, opening a bank account, contracting services, etc.
We advise you so that you know choose your subjects of the PCE UNEDasiss Specific Competencies Tests.
Registration service for UNEDasiss accreditation.
Information about universities in Madrid and throughout Spain, both public and private.
If you have already decided, what are you waiting for? Get going now, you can start preparing for the PCE UNEDasiss test subjects and count on our help during your trip and learning. Do not doubt contact us!
My name is Elena Barea, I am the coordinator of the PCE course and expert counselor in the UNEDasiss accreditation of the Luis Vives Study Center. I hope I've helped. Cheer up, now for 10!
Emigrating to Spain in search of new opportunities, work or studies is the decision made every year by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. However, the process can be complicated depending on the country of origin and the length of time you wish to remain within Spanish territory. Therefore, it is very important that you inform yourself very well before starting this adventure. Because some procedures must be carried out in the country of origin.
To help you with this path that you are going to begin to travel, at the Luis Vives Study Center we have prepared this guide with the steps you must follow to move to Spain. Specifically, this guide is designed for those people who come from a country that does not belong to the European Union and is not Norway, Iceland, Switzerland or Liechtenstein. If you live in any of these countries, our colleagues at the Luis Vives Spanish School have prepared this guide for you.
And if you want Luis Vives to accompany you in the process, you can hire our service LV EduAssist, which includes assistance and guidance in the process of Studying in Spain as a foreigner.
What you should know before moving to Spain
Below we give you some tips so that you know where to start your planning to emigrate to Spain, these are some things that you should plan before starting any procedure.
You must think about how long you want to be in the country, the procedures are different if you are going to stay in Spain for more than 90 days.
If you are a student, you must find out about the studies you want to enroll in. You should know if you need an access test, such as university studies or higher-level training cycles. If this is your case, you are very interested in reading esto.
If you are going to work, we recommend that you start looking for work before traveling to Spain. If you get a job, the process will be much easier.
Plan the first months, choose a city to live in and investigate how expensive life is in that place. Study rental prices, food and services.
Save enough before traveling, keep in mind that the currency used in Spain is the euro. This can cause you to lose purchasing power when exchanging currencies. For example, when going from soles to euros in the case of Peru.
If your native language is not Spanish, we recommend that you start your Spanish studies in the months before coming to Spain. You can also sign up for a Spanish class immediately after arriving in the country.
What documentation do I need to work or study in Spain as a foreigner? The steps to follow as well as the documentation you will need to immigrate to Spain vary depending on the country of origin. The main distinction is made between community or equivalent countries (EU, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein), and non-community countries such as Iran or Morocco.
What procedures should I complete before emigrating to Spain?
If you are thinking about moving to Spain you should consider some questions before coming.
Get your passport
In order to enter the country you will need to provide a passport that is valid during your stay in Spain. Therefore, before traveling you should make sure that the dates are appropriate and renew it or get it in case it is going to expire soon or you do not have it. To get your passport you must go to the organization in your country where they are issued. You can generally make an appointment or find information to apply for your passport online. This is the case of Colombia on the Foreign Ministry's page, or Peru on the platform of the Peruvian State. If for some reason you lose this document once inside the country, you must go to a consulate where they will provide you with safe passage while they process a new passport.
Get your national visa for Spain
The visa is an essential document to be able to emigrate to Spain if you do not have a European or Spanish passport. To obtain this you must make an appointment at the Spanish consulate of the country where you reside and present the visa application there along with the necessary documentation. As a basis, the documentation that anyone wishing to apply for a visa must present is:
Passport size photograph (26×32 mm) in color and with a light background of your face. It is preferable that you avoid wearing glasses or clothing that hides your face.
Valid and current passport (at least 120 days of validity remaining).
Criminal record certificate issued by the country of origin or countries where you have lived in the last 5 years. It must be less than 3 months old.
Documentation proving that you have a private medical insurance policy with permission to operate in Spain. It must cover at least 30000 euros in addition to hospitalization and repatriation.
Proof of financial solvency, especially with student or job search visas.
Medical certificate proving that you do not suffer from a disease with serious repercussions on public health (WHO regulations are followed).
Original and copy of the air ticket reservation with the estimated date for the trip.
You must keep in mind that there are different types of visas. Each one also requires extra documentation that you must also present at the time of application. For example, on a study visa you will be asked for proof of admission to your studies signed by the management of the center where you are going to study (school or university). If you are going to work, they will also ask you for the employment contract and the initial residence and work authorization signed by the employer and issued by the corresponding Government Delegation. Additionally, if the documentation is not in Spanish, an official legalized translation must be provided. On the other hand, if a document is not given by an official body, it must be apostilled, generally using the Hague Apostille.
Once all the documentation has been delivered along with the application, it will take between 1 and 2 months to respond. You should keep in mind that they may ask you for additional documentation, and in some cases even call you for a personal interview. For example, they may ask you for a document indicating where you will live in the days following your arrival in Spain. It can be a rental contract, an invitation from a family member or a stay in a hotel or residence of more than two weeks.
It is possible that you want to emigrate to Spain and your visa is denied, even if you have provided all the necessary information. So make sure you book your trip early enough to cancel if necessary. If your visa is denied, you should find out the reasons and go through the application process again later, or file an appeal if your situation allows it.
Procedures that you must carry out when arriving in Spain
Once you have entered Spanish territory you must finish legalizing your situation, to do this you will have to take a few more steps.
Get a place of residence
The place of residence may be a requirement when granting the visa, so we recommend that you obtain it even before leaving for Spain. However, if you do not have any family members with whom you can live or a rental contract, you can choose to stay in a pension for the first weeks after your arrival. Keep in mind that as we mentioned previously, hotel or guesthouse reservations must be longer than two weeks.
Many people who want to emigrate to Spain think about Madrid or Barcelona. When looking for a rental home, we recommend avoiding these large cities. In these places the rental prices are very high. However, these cities are well connected to nearby cities and towns with lower prices that present themselves as good alternatives. If you prefer proximity to the center of these cities, you can choose to share a flat, rent a room or live in a residence if you are a university student.
Political map of Madrid
Communicate your place of residence: register in the registry
Once you find the place where you are going to reside regularly, you must notify the competent authority. In this case it will be the town hall of the town where the home is located. To do this you must register in the Register (register), for which you will have to present the following documentation:
You must fill out and present the individual or Collective Registration form. In some places it is known as the registration sheet or resident registration form.
A photocopy and the original of one or more documents that prove the use of the home. For example: home purchase and sale contract, home deeds, rental contract, invoices or supply contracts.
The authorization signed by the owner of a family member or friend in case you are going to live with them. Keep in mind that you must be the owner of the home to be able to carry out the procedure. You must include this authorization in the registration form.
If you have minor children, you will also need a photocopy and the original of their passports and visas or identity documents, in addition to the family book.
Get your foreigner identification number or NIE
This is the personal identification number that is assigned to all nationals of other countries who emigrate to Spain. It is a personal and non-transferable number that does not expire once you obtain it and will only cease to be valid if you obtain Spanish nationality. The NIE is necessary to be able to carry out some important activities in Spain, such as opening a bank account, registering for social security or accepting job offers and therefore obtaining a work contract. This means that if you travel to Spain with an employment contract already signed, during the process you will have already obtained an NIE as well as a social security affiliation number.
Requesting the NIE is a procedure that can be done from Spain or from your country of residence. Therefore, in some cases you will be able to complete this step before emigrating to Spain. If you do it from your country, you must go to the Spanish consulate or embassy so you will have to make an appointment to submit the application and provide the documents. If, on the other hand, you are already within Spanish territory, you must present the application and documentation to the general directorate of the police. To do this, the most common way is to go to the general immigration police station closest to you and request an appointment for the processing and provision of documentation. The main documentation that you must provide is:
Completed EX15 foreigner identity number application form
Form 790 code 012 and proof of payment of the associated fee.
In addition to this, they may ask you for additional information that you should have prepared:
Passport and copy of all pages.
Document accrediting entry into Spain, it can be the stamp of your own passport or the plane ticket with which you traveled to the country.
Certificate of registration.
Document that justifies why you need a NIE. For example, a study visa, a job application or a deposit contract for a property.
Passport-sized color photographs with a white background.
Once you get the NIE you will be able to move towards your goal, the foreigner identity card or TIE.
Get the foreigner identity card or TIE
Obtaining this card is the last challenge that anyone who wants to move to Spain from outside the European Union must go through. This document represents your official registration in the central registry of foreign citizens and is mandatory if you are going to reside in Spain for more than six months. That is, once you have let the local authorities know that you will reside in Spain and in that home, you must receive authorization at the national level. Keep in mind that you must start the TIE application during the first month of your stay in Spain, so you must make an appointment as soon as possible.
To request an appointment you must access the government electronic headquarters, select a province and the procedure “POLICE-TAKING FINGERPRINTS (ISSUE OF CARD) AND RENEWAL OF LONG-DURATION CARD” if you are a student or worker. On the other hand, if you are an entrepreneur you must select the procedure “POLICE-ISSUE OF CARDS WHOSE AUTHORIZATION IS RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF MIGRATION”. Once you have the appointment, you must appear in person before the documentation unit of the national police of the province where you live. This unit is usually in the foreigners office or immigration office, or in police stations with a designated area for this. The documentation that may be required of you on the day of the appointment, and that you must therefore present, is:
Appointment receipt
Fee payment form 709 (code 012) [link rel='nofollow'] filled out and printed.
Bank receipt for payment of fee 709, which must be paid before the date of the appointment.
Filled out EX17 form (students and workers) or Mi-TIE form (investors, entrepreneurs, digital nomads, highly qualified professionals or researchers).
Application for registration certificate.
Recent passport-sized color photograph with a light or white background.
Visa or copy of the administrative resolution where residence is granted.
The time to obtain the TIE is approximately 45 days, during that time you will have a receipt that will allow you to do some paperwork and pick it up at the designated place.
Get your social security number
This step will not be necessary if you already have a job or if you are not going to work, such as a full-time student, as long as you do not do an internship. The Social Security number (NUSS or SSN) will allow you to work in Spain and collect subsidies, benefits or pensions, as well as access to public healthcare. If you move to Spain as a citizen of the European Union and assimilated, you can obtain it directly at an office of the General Treasury of Social Security or through its website. You will need to provide the following information:
Photocopy and original of your passport
Certificate of registration
Original and photocopy of your TIE
A working email address
A passport size photograph
Model TA.1 Membership Application/Social Security Number completed using capital letters and printed.
Keep in mind that if you are already working with a legal contract, your Social Security registration will have been processed by your employer. You can review it on the website of the General Treasury of Social Security.
Final considerations for those who wish to emigrate to Spain
Finally we add some extra advice and information to make your experience with the procedures more bearable.
Documents that are not in Spanish must be accompanied by a sworn and legalized translation. For this, the Hague Apostille will be used. If you come from a country that is not a signatory to the Hague Convention, you will need legalization through diplomatic channels. To do this you must contact the competent government agency.
Minors will need authorization from their parents to obtain the visa. Likewise, the presence of the parents will be required when requesting the NIE in addition to their documentation and the family book. In the case of divorce, you may be asked for a copy of the judgment for some procedure and authorization from both parents in case of shared custody.
If you are a student you will not need a social security number unless you want to work. However, you should know that the study visa implies that you must be able to guarantee such full-time studies. Therefore you will have to provide evidence indicating that work and studies are compatible. Furthermore, work cannot constitute your main means of economic support.
Those who travel to Spain with a student visa can apply for a companion visa for their parents or partner. However, the status of companion prevents him from working during the stay. Therefore, you must demonstrate that you have sufficient financial means for both.
To demonstrate sufficient financial means, an employment contract will be required in the case of an employed worker, registration in the commercial registry of your business in the case of self-employed workers and entrepreneurs, or a responsible declaration and the income history of the last months in a bank account accessible by the person if they are a student or unemployed. You must keep in mind that the income each month must be higher than the IPREM at that time.
Now you know what are the main procedures you must carry out to be able to emigrate to Spain. From the Luis Vives Study Center we hope that this guide serves as guidance and we remind you that if you want to access the Spanish educational system we are at your disposal to help you. More than 25 years of experience support us!
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