[Updated 2025]⭐Information on access to Higher Grade FP

Higher degree access test 2023. Luis Vives Study Center

[Updated 2025]⭐Information on access to Higher Grade FP

Hello, #Vivers! As you already know, in all courses we send you updated information about the tests you are going to take. If you are already studying or want to prepare for the exam for access to higher-level vocational training cycles in 2025, we leave you in this entry everything you need to know to be able to apply. Likewise, if you want to know what the different exams that make up the test are like, take a look at the articles in which we tell you what the exams of the general phase and specific phase.

In Madrid, the registration period will be from January 9 to 21, 2025. The exam date will be on the days May 13 and 14, 2025.

In this elink You will be able to find all the information necessary for the call for this course.

You can register in person at any of the institutes that hold these tests in the Community of Madrid, or electronically in this link. If you have any questions, you can see our tutorial where we explain step by step how to register.

Documentation necessary for registration in the 2025 higher degree access tests

From this article, you can download the registration application. As in previous years, we provide you with the necessary documentation for registration:

  • Application for registration
  • Original and copy of the national identity document or foreign identity document, or passport.
  • Copy for the Administration of the “form 030” accrediting the payment of the public prices established for registration. Access this article upon payment of the fee. The sequence to pay the fee must be:
    • Start
    • Accept
    • Pay rate or public price
    • Name of fee: access test to higher degree training cycles + institute where you are going to enroll
    • Choose the rate that corresponds to your registration
  • Document of exceptions or the surpassed parts of the year 2009 and later carried out in the Community of Madrid. 

If you still have any questions, you have all the relevant information about the 2025 higher degree access test in this video.

For those interested in preparing for the 2025 higher grade FP access test exam, on January 8 we begin our intensive preparation course for access to FP. If you want more detailed information, you can write to us at academia@luis-vives.es, also to our WhatsApp or, if you prefer, use our form contact.

Much encouragement!

  • August 22, 2023 at 9:45 am

    Bonjour je voudrais s'incrire dans le gradio superior dans une branche scientifique dans le mois 9..merci de me repondre

  • August 23, 2023 at 10:49 am

    Hi Younes,

    You must register to take a higher degree training cycle directly at the institute for which you are going to take it. If you do not meet the access requirements, at our center we could prepare you to take the access test. If this is your case, write to us at academia@luis-vives.es and we will give you all the necessary information.

    A greeting.

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