⭐CUT NOTES (Madrid 2024) | We tell you EVERYTHING

Cut-off marks 2023 - Luis Vives Study Center

⭐CUT NOTES (Madrid 2024) | We tell you EVERYTHING

Hello, Vivers. What are cut-off marks and how are they calculated? How many times do we hear these questions every year! It's understandable. All students preparing for university entrance tests in 2024 (EvAU, EBAU, Specific Skills Tests PCE UNEDasiss or Over 25) need guidance in relation to the cut-off marks and the grade you need to obtain in the exams to be able to access that university degree that you like. And that's what today's article is about.

The cut-off grade for a university degree is the admission grade of the last student who entered that grade, in order of grade.

Calculate the 2023 cut-off mark - Luis Vives Study Center

We have a permanently updated document where you can find updated cut notes of the public universities of the Community of Madrid. And don't forget to visit our YouTube video about what cut-off marks are and how they are calculated, in which we explain very interesting things.

👉What are cutoff marks?

Before defining what cutoff marks are, we have to differentiate three concepts:

  • Selectivity Note: It is the grade you get in the general phase of the university entrance exams.
  • University Access Qualification (CAU): is the grade resulting from the weighting of your Baccalaureate and your Selectivity (60%-40%). 
  • Admission note: is the sum of your CAU with your grade from the specific phase of the Selectivity.

The cut-off marks are published annually by the university district of Madrid, and are reference grades that students must achieve in order to enter the degree they want. 

For example, if the cut-off grade in 2023 for Medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid is 13,5, this means that in 2024 you must achieve that admission grade at least to be able to enter that career, although this has some nuances that we will see later.

👉How are cut-off marks calculated?

As we have said, the cut-off grade for a degree is the admission grade of the last student who enters that university degree.

Let's give an example:

According to the latest data, the UCM offers 320 places in the Medicine degree. In the last year, 7120 people applied for a place in that grade. The admission method is to put those 7120 people in order of grade. The first candidate to enter is the one who has obtained the best admission grade. In this way, the first 320 candidates access Medicine, once they have been placed in that order. The last candidate who enters (number 320) is the one who makes the cut... that's why they are called CUT NOTES 😀

👉The million dollar question: will I be able to enter the career I want?

This depends on several factors. First of all, from your notes baccalaureate and the results you obtain in the Selectivity. The better they are, the more options you will have to get a place in that grade you like. 

A characteristic of the cutoff notes is that they are indicative. In 2023, the cut-off mark for Medicine was 13,50; But if students obtain better grades in 2024, or there are more candidates to enter that degree, or the UCM offers fewer places, the cut-off grade may rise. Remember that the maximum admission grade is 14,00. 

According to the trend of recent years, most of the cut-off marks have been increasing, so you should try to exceed the target cut-off score by several tenths.

In case you haven't seen it yet, we have two articles where we help you calculate your admission grade if you are going to take the Selectivity EvAU EBAU, or if you are preparing the UNEDasiss Specific Competence Tests.

👉What to do if I don't get the grade? I got a 13,30, can I apply for a place in Medicine?

Surely you are wondering what happens if you don't reach the cut-off mark they ask for in your career. Of course you can apply for a place in the grade you want, although that does not guarantee you entry. But in case you stay close to the note they ask for, also You MUST ask for it. Although the official cut-off mark is 13,50, they may call you in case there is a vacancy to study that degree. Note that There are people who, once admitted to a degree, decide not to confirm their enrollment.. That is why Universities make several calls (first call, second call, etc.) until the places are filled.

Remember that during the admission process to the university in Madrid (in June or July) You can indicate up to a total of 12 university degrees of interest, in order of priority. The unique university district of Madrid, made up of the six public universities, will assign you a place in the university degree that your admission grade allows.

👉I have not taken the “normal” Selectivity (EvAU, EBAU, PCE UNEDasiss), is my cut-off grade the same as that of those routes?

If you want to access university through the access route for over 25s, over 40s, over 45s or through your university degree, your cut-off marks are different. On some occasions, universities make them public through their websites, and on other occasions you must consult directly with them what grade you must achieve to obtain your place.

We hope we have helped you. We always tell you the same thing: don't think too much about the cut-off grade, dedicate yourself to doing your best, so that you can have a greater number of options to enter many different university degrees. 

What is the cut-off mark for the career you want to enter? Leave us a comment! Much encouragement.


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