⭐WEIGHTINGS [Madrid 2025] | How they work

Weightings 2024 - Luis Vives Study Center

⭐WEIGHTINGS [Madrid 2025] | How they work

Hello, Vivers! Do you already know the note what you need to enter the career you want? If you are studying to access university, you also have to know how to choose the subjects that you must prepare for Selectivity, both EvAU and PCE UNEDasiss and for this it is very important that you understand what the weightings of the subjects are in the different public universities of Madrid by 2025, how they work and how they are calculated. 

Students who want to take the EvAU Selectivity | EBAU or at UNEDasiss Specific Competence Tests They must take exams in subjects that are related to the university degree they want to access.

In this way, the public universities of Madrid assign, for each degree, a value (weighting) to each subject that you can take the Selectivity exam, depending on its relationship with the degree. For example, to enter engineering, Mathematics and Physics have the highest possible weighting, because they are closely related to that career. 

At Luis Vives we have a permanently updated document with the 2025 weighting table of the universities of Madrid. We explain how to understand this table in our video about weightings of Selectivity in Madrid.

If you review it, you will see that this value can be of three types:

  • Black color: the subject does NOT weight.
  • Value 0,1: the subject has a certain relationship with the university degree.
  • Value 0,2: the subject is totally linked to the university degree and has the highest weighting value.

What does this mean? That in your Selectivity subject structure, you must include subjects that weight 0,2 for the grade or grades you want to access.

How do the weightings work in the EvAU or PCE in Madrid in 2025?

Once you have received your CAU university admission score (I think you should read our article on the court notes in Madrid), which is calculated up to a total of 10 points, you can increase up to 4 additional points using the Selectivity subjects that are weighted for the career you want. This calculation is carried out by the destination universities, and they do it by multiplying your grade in those subjects by the value of your weighting.

An example:

Let's imagine that you want to enter a career such as Psychology at the Complutense University, whose cut-off grade is approximately 10,5. After taking the Selectivity, your CAU is 8,6.

As the branch that you have prepared is Health, it is normal that in Selectivity you have taken subjects such as Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry. Let's say your notes are:

  • Math: 6
  • Biology: 9
  • Chemistry: 7

These three subjects weight 0,2 (the maximum) for Psychology. The calculation that is carried out is to take the two best grades of those subjects and multiply it by 0,2 (multiply by two and put a comma).

So according to this calculation: 

  • Biology → Grade: 9 → After applying weighting: 1,8
  • Chemistry → Grade: 7 → After applying weighting: 1,4

Thus, your Admission Grade will be the sum of your CAU and the increase due to the weightings:

NA = CAU + Subjects that weigh → Admission grade = 8,6 + 1,8 + 1,4 = 11,8

With this, given that the admission grade is higher than the cut-off grade they ask for for Psychology, you will have many options to be assigned a place for that degree.

Important questions to consider about weightings

Now that you are clear about how the weightings work, we will clarify other very common questions that our students from both EvAU and PCE usually ask us.

When do the weights come out?

Universities usually publish the weights for the new year in the month of XNUMXth from the previous year. Specifically, the universities of Madrid published the weighting table for the 2025 admission in September 2024. In any case, these weightings do not change much from one year to the next, so to choose your subjects you can always review the document from the previous year.

Do I need a minimum score to apply weighting?

Yes! You need to approve. If you do not get a minimum of 5 out of 10 in the subject, the weighting calculation will not be applied. 

How do I know if I will get the grade they ask me for?

Calculating your grade taking into account the weightings can be somewhat confusing, so it is best that you use our EvAU grade calculator | EBAU, or the PCE UNEDasiss grade calculator.

What subjects are most important for the grade I want?

It is best that you look at the weighting document for the universities of Madrid for 2025, which is valid for both EvAU and PCE but we give you some examples:

  • For engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Technical Drawing. Also Chemistry for some of them, and even Biology.
  • For Health or Health Sciences majors: Biology, Chemistry, but also Mathematics and Physics.
  • For Social Sciences majors: Business Economics, Mathematics applied to Social Sciences, Geography, but also Philosophy and Art, on some occasions.
  • For Arts and Humanities majors: Philosophy, Art, and sometimes also Geography.

We hope we have been of help to you. If you don't know which subjects are important for your degree, leave us a comment below!

  • March 2, 2023 at 10:54 am

    Thank you very much for your page, I found it very interesting. I have some questions that I would like to ask you:

    Yes, there is a maximum number of weighted subjects that you can take.
    If I choose mathematics as my weighted subject, will I have to take two different mathematics exams?

    Thank you very much!

    • March 2, 2023 at 11:36 am

      Hello Ana:

      Thanks for your words.

      I cannot guarantee you 100% the maximum number of subjects with a 0,2 weighting that you can take. In any case, the normal thing is to present yourself to two, three, or at most four of them.

      Regarding mathematics, with a single exam your grade would be used for the general phase of the Selectivity, and to be considered for admission to the university.

      On the other hand, you also have the option of taking both Mathematics (science and social sciences), so that both are used in the process of calculating the admission grade. If you tell us which degree you want to access and through which branch you access we can guide you better.

      A greeting!

  • April 24, 2023 at 8:04 am

    I have a question. If you are not sure what career to choose, that is, we are going to study engineering or business administration and you have studied high school science, my question is the following:
    Let's suppose that in mathematics II you got an 8
    And as electives you have taken physics where you have a 7 and social sciences mathematics a 6.
    Since you get the two best grades for engineering, I would give you math II and physics, but if you decide in the end to do ADE, then I wouldn't give you math for social sciences since you got a better grade in physics?

    • April 24, 2023 at 8:38 am

      Hello Ana!

      It is important that you are clear about the career, or at least the access branch that you want to opt for, in order to be able to select the appropriate modality in case it is required. Our recommendation in your case is that you select the Science modality, since it is the most restrictive.

      To calculate the grade out of 10. (UNEDasiss accreditation), any subject will work as long as it is approved. However, to obtain the 4 extra points for access to the university, they will take the grades of those subjects that weight 0,2 for each degree.

      All the best. We hope we have helped you.

  • April 25, 2023 at 9:19 am

    Hello again.
    It is clear to me what you are telling me, what is not clear to me is if when you apply for several electives, they only take into account the two with the highest grade for any race (whether they are weighted or not) or in each race they take into account the two with the best grade according to its weighting.
    Thank you

    • April 25, 2023 at 5:30 pm

      Hello Ana:

      In each race you will be told the two grades whose weighting is most favorable for you.

      A greeting.

  • June 28, 2023 at 9:07 am

    Hello, I have a question, I have taken the Ebau this year, and it does not give me the mark for the public, I will enter the second year this first year.
    The thing is that next year the weightings change and one that weights me 0,1 this year, next year it weights me 0,2 and I don't know if, since I have taken the Ebau this year, it would also weight me 0,2. 0,1 or XNUMX.
    Thank you very much

  • June 28, 2023 at 10:31 am

    Hello Alberto:

    The grades for the specific phase of the EvAU are valid for two school years, so we understand that if the weighting changes next year, that change will also apply to the grade you obtained this year. However, we recommend that you check with the university you want to attend to be sure.

    A greeting.

  • June 28, 2023 at 2: 30 pm

    Thank you so much

  • November 19, 2024 at 10:20 pm

    Hello, I wanted to ask
    This year I am only taking the specific phase, but I don't know if with these changes I can take Philosophy and Geography. Will they both remain specific as well?
    Thank you.
    All the best

    • November 20, 2024 at 9:13 am

      Hello Andres:

      If the weighting table for the degree you want to apply for indicates that Geography and Philosophy have weighting (either 0,1 or 0,2), you can apply without any problems. However, if in your general phase, you applied for Philosophy instead of History of Spain, you will not be able to choose Philosophy as a specific degree.

      A greeting.

  • January 14, 2025 at 6:26 pm

    Hi, I have a question, I want to apply for university this year, can they give weight to one subject from the Evau 2024 and another one that I take now (another subject) in 2025?
    Thank you!

    • January 16, 2025 at 11:32 am

      Hello Sonia:

      Yes, for the weightings, the highest marks you have obtained in the different calls in which you have presented yourself to the specific phase of the EvAU will always be taken into account, but keep in mind that the marks are only valid for two academic years.

      A greeting.

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