study skills

In-person or online teaching. Choose well
💻online or 👩‍🏫in-person teaching: choose well

Yes, we know you are thinking about it: should I prepare through face-to-face teaching or online?

Our Selectivity, Access to Vocational Training and ESO Graduate students frequently ask us this same question. We are here to help you make the decision.

A good idea when choosing is to list the pros and cons of each option, and decide how much weight they have for us. 

online teaching

An online course has the following ADVANTAGES:

  • Flexibility and reconciliation of schedules: This modality allows you to personalize your study schedule, adapting it to your family, work and leisure needs.
  • global access: You can study from anywhere in the world. In addition, the best online courses offer multi-platform access: computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
  • Variety of resources: videos, PDFs, questionnaires, tasks, mock exams, activities, kahoots, podcasts... The list of digital resources for online learning is endless.
  • Accessibility: This modality increases the study possibilities of disabled people, since it offers customization options and assistance tools that facilitate learning.
  • The costs: the last but not the least. With online teaching you will save money not only on the online course, but also on travel, accommodation, meals, etc.

On the contrary, online teaching has some DISADVANTAGES:

  • Autonomy and discipline problems: Not all students are prepared to study from home. This work system requires sufficient maturity and discipline to comply with the teaching schedules, adjust to a schedule and complete all the course contents.
  • Socialization: Yeah! Socializing is essential for learning. Group classes, work groups or interaction with your teachers are essential for studying to become a wonderful project.

In-person teaching

Let's go first with the ADVANTAGES of a face-to-face course:

  • Interaction with teachers and classmates: It's an open secret: the acquisition of knowledge is more productive when done in a group. 
  • Immersion in the culture of effort: It's like in the gym: if you see your classmates studying and preparing for their exams every day, you will feel stronger to achieve it.
  • Instant feedback: In face-to-face teaching, your teacher will be the one who, day by day, guides you to verify that you take the appropriate steps to achieve your goals.
  • Emotional experience and development of social skills: Normally, the period of study prepares people for their professional career and adult life. Unlike online teaching, experiencing in-person teaching with a classroom, teachers, and classmates will prepare you for a multitude of everyday situations that you will have to face in the future. It will be like making some real life practices 😉

DISADVANTAGES of face-to-face teaching:

  • geographical limitation: Not everyone can find a suitable academy near their place of residence to prepare.
  • Our schedules: Teachers in education and training centers also need to eat, sleep and spend time with our families and friends. For this reason, face-to-face teaching is generally carried out from Monday to Friday, in the morning or afternoon. And not all students can adapt to this pace.
  • The price: Of course, face-to-face teaching is more expensive. To the operating costs of the Center where you prepare you must add accommodation, food and other additional factors.


If you have read this far it is because you want to know the opinion of someone who is an expert in teaching. Here we go:

  • If you are a student who needs some help getting organized, and the cost of the course is within your budget, don't hesitate: choose in-person teaching. If you live in Madrid, our face-to-face courses from EvAU, PCE UNEDasiss, Access to Higher FP and ESO Graduate are the best option for you.
  • If you are far from the training center or if you need to tighten your budget, choose online teaching. But we recommend you choose the best possible option. If you are looking for the best online course at the most competitive price, you should review what can offer you.

And if you still have doubts about which modality to choose, leave us a comment, or directly write us a WhatsApp.

Tips for studying - Luis Vives Study Center
How should I study?

Hello, #Vivers! If you have already reviewed our article on how to plan your study, this one may also interest you. Sometimes, the success of our academic life does not depend so much on the hours we dedicate to studying, but rather on the use of them. Any good study advice you are given will be based on this maxim.

Tips for studying - Luis Vives Study CenterWe tend to be used to organizing ourselves in a certain way and are quite reticent about any proposal for change. José Pascual, pioneer in the use of Study Techniques and Personal Development and Human Relations tools, states that “one of the most common errors is to think that we already know how to study.” If until now we have not obtained the desired results, why not change?

Let's start by making a schedule with the aim of arriving at the exams with all the material assimilated. Try to always start your study session at the same time and stick to it every day of the week (yes, Saturdays and Sundays included). Start with the subjects of medium difficulty, continue with the difficult ones and end with the easy ones; Dedicate the time you deem necessary to each one (you'll see if it's enough or not). Every time you finish studying a subject, give yourself a few minutes of rest.

Don't forget to include leisure in your schedule. Think that making better use of your study hours means having more time to do those activities that you most want.

Tips for studying: the importance of reading quickly

Are you already seated and with all the necessary material on the table? Well let's start. Your goal is to read quickly and understand what you read. Pronouncing the words will hinder this task. Guide yourself with your finger or a pencil, too. There is a formula that will allow you to know if your speed is adequate or not:

Number of words in the text x 60 / Seconds spent reading

LevelWords per minute
Excellent260 or more
Very poor169 or less

It is estimated that around 50% of what is read is forgotten as soon as it is finished. This should not worry us because, if we manage to repeat what we have studied with our words, the retention is much greater. Memorizing “like a parrot” is meaningless, it is proven that we remember more easily what we have assimilated or understood. The most important advice for studying that we can give you in this sense is that you do not try to retain everything in your memory (because, in addition to being impossible, it is useless): summarize and extract the essentials. To move away from traditional rote learning, there are methods of synthesizing and assimilating content that will be truly useful, such as underlining, diagrams, summaries or concept maps. Also use them for your revisions, they will be of great help in the days before the exams.

It is essential that you observe everything that does not work and change it. Keep in mind that you probably won't find your “ideal plan” the first time, but you will have to refine your method until you find the study mode that best suits your conditions. You should also know that the work plan is personal: what is very useful to one person may not be of any use to another. Everyone has to find their formula.

Improving our academic results is within everyone's reach, we just have to set our minds to it, establish a plan and be consistent with its execution.

We hope that this article has been useful to you and that these tips help you improve the way you study and, with it, your results.

Keys to improve in your EvAU / EBAU / PAU or PCE Selectivity English exams - Centro de Estudios Luis Vives
Keys to improve your English exams

Hello, #Vivers! Many students who take the Selectivity or the different access tests that we prepare take the English exams. The foreign language, in addition, is core throughout the entire secondary and high school educational section. Today, our English teacher, Sandra, will try to summarize, in 7 keys, some of the most important guidelines to be able to improve your grade in the English exams, whether you are a student in secondary school, baccalaureate, Selectivity EvAU, EBAU or PCE UNEDasiss, or access to Vocational Training cycles.

The 7 keys to improve in the EBAU or PCE UNEDasiss Selectivity English exams, access tests, secondary or baccalaureate

Tackling the study of the subject of English can be very easy if we use all the tools at our disposal. Luckily, we are very influenced by English thanks to music, cinema, or advertising; which will offer us many sources from which to acquire vocabulary and grammatical structures.

1. Grammatical structures

The first thing we must try to improve and acquire are precisely the gramatical structures. We will study them, and then we will try to fix them by performing exercises like the ones we propose in class and in the Virtual Classroom. There are also many pages where we can do exercises online and get the answers immediately.

2. Create sentences

It will also help us to try to create sentences using these new structures.

3. Increasing our vocabulary will help us a lot when preparing our Selectivity English exams

Another essential part of learning English is increasing our vocabulary. For this task it will be crucial that we try to stimulate our curiosity, and look in the dictionary for all the new words that appear in any area of ​​our life. This can happen by watching a series in its original version, reading an article on a social network, playing video games or talking to a foreigner while we are traveling.

4. Create a vocabulary notebook

A good method to retain them is to write them down in a vocabulary notebook. This must be an individual tool and, to be truly useful, we must be constant. As for dictionaries, nowadays it is no longer necessary to have huge dictionaries at home, we can search for words the moment they appear with our mobile phones, if we have an internet connection. There are many online dictionaries, such as the Collins English Dictionary, which is a good option. However, I advise against the use of translators such as Google Translator, since didactically they do not offer us many possibilities for improvement.

5 Read

As we mentioned at the beginning, we can expand vocabulary through numerous ways such as watching series and movies in English, or by listening to music in English, but we must not forget that the most effective way is by reading. We can read readings graded by levels, newspaper articles or magazines on the Internet, without forgetting the exam models that will help us become familiar with argumentative texts. The last step to strengthen the learning of a new word is to try to use it, so it will be important to create your own texts whenever possible.

6. Improving our written expression is very important in our English Selectivity exams

In fact, another essential part of learning English is improving our written expression. We must try to ensure that our written text is separated by paragraphs of introduction, development and conclusion (we emphasize it because it is the most important of all). When we are asked to write, the first thing we must do is organize our ideas in a diagram, relating them to each other and ordering them hierarchically. By this we mean distinguishing whether an idea is primary, secondary or tertiary and whether these ideas give rise to others.

For example, the statement mobile phones are very useful It would be a primary idea that would need an explanation, some arguments that support it, that is, the secondary ideas. To find these arguments we must ask ourselves the reason for our statement. Thus, a possible secondary idea would be: They allow us to access large amounts of information in a matter of seconds and communicate with our peers immediately.. Tertiary ideas are usually examples that help us in our explanation: Numerous applications such as WhatsApp or Google Maps make our work and personal lives easier on a daily basis..

Position Why?

  • Statement –> Explanation –> Example

7. The 4 c's

Let's make sure that the text maintains the 4 c's: coherence, cohesion, clarity and concision. Coherence means that it makes sense and is related to the topic at hand. By cohesion we mean that the text is united, that the ideas are well linked to each other thanks to the use of connectors and linking phrases, in short, that we have a feeling of unity when reading it even though we can distinguish different parts. It is also important that our text conveys clarity, that it is understood and that it does not go around the bush or be repetitive, that is, that it is concise. It will be very helpful for us to read texts similar to those we will have to create to familiarize ourselves with the structure that we must emulate.

We hope that this article has been useful to you and that it helps you so that your EvAU / EBAU / PAU or PCE Selectivity English exams, FP, secondary or baccalaureate access tests become increasingly successful.

If you want to put all these tips into practice, visit our page exam models. In it you will find EvAU / EBAU / PAU or PCE English selectivity exams from recent years with which you can practice and test your knowledge. And if you want to be up to date with the latest news about our school and the activities we carry out, visit our the profile of Instagram. See you at the Academy!

Selectivity Exams EvAU/EBAU/PAU and PCE of Madrid Language - Luis Vives Study Center
Keys to taking a good Language exam

Hello, #Vivers! Most of the entrance tests for which the students of our Academy in Madrid prepare, such as the Selectivity of both EvAU and PCE UNEDasiss, include Language and Text Commentary in their core or general phase exams. This subject is a general core subject in ESO and Baccalaureate. In general, it is a difficult subject for students.

Today, our Language teacher, Ana, will try to summarize, in 7 keys, some of the most important guidelines to improve your grade in the Language and Text Commentary exams, whether you are a secondary school student, high school student, EvAU/EBAU/PAU selectivity or PCE, or access to vocational training cycles, in Madrid or any other Autonomous Community.

The 7 keys to doing a good Selectivity Language exam EvAU EBAU PCE UNEDasiss, access tests to FP, secondary or baccalaureate

Taking a good Language exam is easy, if you know how. Let's see some guidelines that will help you prepare and solve a language exam correctly:

1. Invest time in reading the text as many times as necessary until you understand it.

It is important to read the questions first and then read the text. Read each of the questions that you are going to have to solve. Take a general look at the entire exam to keep in mind what they are going to ask you. Spend a few minutes on this activity.

When approaching the text, keep in mind that reading the given fragment several times is not wasting time, but rather investing it. It is better to spend a few minutes to understand it correctly than to start answering hastily. In this regard, a good first comprehensive reading will save you time. After it, you will have been left with the general idea of ​​the proposed text. In a second reading you can underline the main ideas and, as you have already done that initial reading of the exam questions, you can underline those things that you already know will be useful to you. The third reading will be a check.

The exam sheet is yours. Writing down what you need in it will save you multiple "walks" from the questions to the text and back to the questions.

2. Pay special attention to literature.

Get organized beforehand, schedule your study. Studying the topics "at once" will prevent you from getting a clear idea of ​​what happens in each period and who the most important names are. Make your own chronological axes and diagrams to help you retain and remember the content at a glance.

Do not worry about telling those data that do not condition the literary production of the moment, as you will take up space and waste time. Focus on the great historical or social events that have an impact on a literary level, they are the only ones that give notice.

3. Practice argumentative texts, they are the most frequent.

If you take a look at the latest calls, the exams they propose are journalistic texts, opinion articles. Becoming familiar with them will help you improve your reading comprehension and synthesis skills, expand your vocabulary, and grasp the structure of the text more quickly...

Furthermore, frequently reading argumentative texts will be especially useful to prepare the question in which you yourself must write your opinion in a cohesive and coherent manner on the proposed topic.

4. Take care of both spelling and handwriting.

As you well know, spelling errors are penalized. Pay special attention to the accent marks and put them as you write the word, not in the final review of the text.

5. Control time and space.

One of the biggest problems with this test is the time available. Get ahead of the issues as much as possible (as explained in the first tip). Write down the answers to the development questions schematically so that when you go to write them you don't go on longer than you should.

6. Answer all the questions.

A blank space never scores points. Even if you are not 100% sure, try to answer all the questions on the exam. Reason, relate what they are asking you with what you know well, be logical and brief.

7. Final review.

There are probably some spelling errors due to the speed with which we respond. Setting aside a few minutes for a brief final review will be tremendously useful. Maybe some of those ideas that you knew but couldn't remember (name or work of a certain author) come to you at this moment.

We hope that you put these simple tips into practice so that the results in your EvAU, EBAU or PCE UNEDasiss Selectivity Language exams, FP access tests, secondary or baccalaureate exams, in Madrid or any other Autonomous Community are every day top. If you want to practice before the exams, you can visit our section exam models, where you will find models from the different tests of recent years. And if you want to stay up to date with the latest news about our school and the activities we do, visit our the profile of Instagram. See you in the classroom!

Keys to improve in your EvAU / EBAU / PAU or PCE Selectivity Mathematics exams - Luis Vives Study Center
Keys for your Mathematics exam

Hello, #Vivers! Mathematics is one of the most important subjects in any educational system. So much so that most of the entrance exams to higher education have this subject as their core subject, which appears in ESO and Baccalaureate. Today, our Mathematics teacher, Charo, explains to us the 7 keys to adequately prepare Mathematics exams in a video that can be useful for secondary school, high school, EvAU EBAU or PCE UNED selectivity students, or access to vocational training cycles. .

For many people, the word mathematics causes dizziness and nausea, but we know an infallible remedy against this discomfort. With a spoonful of 'The Good Professor' syrup and the following tips you will make the symptoms disappear.

The 7 keys to passing the Selectivity Mathematics exams EVAU EBAU or PCE UNEDasiss, access tests to FP, secondary or baccalaureate

1. Practice every day for 30 minutes

To get a 10 body you have to exercise throughout the year. In the same way, to have your brain in shape you have to study regularly. An essential requirement to master the subject of Mathematics is practice. Training daily is essential to achieve operating fluency and to consolidate the acquired content. Doing a couple of exercises every day related to the content seen in class or writing down your notes are very useful strategies to ensure passing. I recommend that you start by doing problems that you have already solved. Face a problem only when you know how to do all the exercises solved. For this advice to be effective, before starting to practice, try to have a good understanding of the content that has been explained in class. Ask your teacher any questions. It is possible that while you are reviewing new questions arise, if so, write them down and tell the teacher in the next class.

2. Read the statement carefully and, if you can, draw a drawing

If you want to face a problem and not die trying, try:

  • Read the exercise carefully, as many times as necessary, to find out what they are asking of you. Many times we know how to solve the problem, but since they speak to us in 'Aramaic' and we don't understand it, we don't solve it. Conclusion: translate the statement into your language.
  • Once we have understood the problem we proceed to collect the information it contains. A good trick is to analyze each sentence separately, since each phrase will provide a series of different data.
  • Even if you are not Picasso, it is recommended that you make a diagram or a drawing that reflects the problem (in analysis and geometry it is an almost mandatory requirement). Generally, representing the data, in addition to helping us understand the exercise in greater depth, allows us to find the solution or solutions for it. In fact, in many cases graphical representation is supported as an answer.
  • Finally, take out your arsenal of formulas and get to work. We only have to connect the information obtained to respond to what they ask of us.

This point is especially important when facing Mathematics exams, whether they are Selectivity EvAU EBAU or PCE UNED, an access test to training cycles or a secondary or baccalaureate exam, since in the exams it is the most We get nervous and make more mistakes by not reading carefully what they ask of us.

3. Check the calculations

A maxim of the Mathematics exams, whether EBAU or PCE, is to review the calculations. Between the nerves and the tiny keys of the calculator, the difficult thing is not to make mistakes. It is advisable to do a review at the end of each exercise and not at the end of the exam. If the review is not done progressively, it is easier to get lost and not realize the mistakes we have made. Personally, I think it is preferable to do two problems well than to do five wrong. Another important detail is to try to be clean and orderly. The teachers value it very much.

4. Be careful with the calculator mode (DEG or RAD)

Imagine how horrible it would be to have taken a flawless exam and have all your calculations wrong due to poor programming on your calculator. To prevent this from happening, make sure your most precious tool is in the correct mode. Remember that your calculator must have the 'DEG' mode activated if the angles you are going to perform in the operations are in degrees, and have the 'RAD' mode activated if the angles are in radians.

5. Matrices and determinants

As you already know, there are certain strategies that must be handled with ease, since we will surely need to apply them at some point during the exam. In relation to the block of matrices and determinants, calculating inverse matrices and solving determinants are two things that you have to know how to do with your eyes closed. There are several ways to find the inverse matrix of a matrix, but it is usually calculated using a formula that involves the adjoint matrix of the transposed matrix and the determinant. I suppose that after reading this paragraph you have gotten chills, so that this does not happen again, review these concepts. Another essential tool is the famous 'Sarrus Rule' which is used to calculate determinants of dimension 3×3 (order 3). You have to know how to solve determinants of any dimension, but order 3 determinants are the ones that appear the most in the exercises.

6. Geometry

Geometry is one of the oldest sciences. The Babylonians and Egyptians were the first to use this branch of Mathematics to solve problems in everyday life.
Knowing and using certain geometric strategies can be very useful, not only to pass our exam, but also to solve real-life problems. Handling the scalar product, the vector product and the mixed product is important, since it will help you, among other things, to be able to calculate areas and volumes. Likewise, knowing how to construct the different geometric elements (points, lines and planes) and calculating their relative positions and distances is also relevant. I advise you to make a summary of all the formulas so you can consult them at any time.

7 Analysis

Like geometry, the analysis of functions is one of the most appreciated parts of Mathematics since we can visualize the possible solutions to the exercises through their graphic representation. Possibly what is most difficult is deriving and integrating, but with a good teacher and a good table we will not have any problems. You just have to follow the rules and practice. You also have to know how to calculate limits, among other things to be able to represent functions (calculation of asymptotes, study of continuity and differentiability...). This implies knowing the types of indeterminacies that exist and the different strategies that exist to resolve them. If you manage to manage yourself in these two areas, you have most of the work done.

I hope that this is the beginning of a great friendship with Mathematics and that these tips will help you pass your EvAU EBAU or PCE UNEDasiss Selectivity Mathematics exams, FP or secondary or baccalaureate access tests. If you want to practice with real exams, visit our page exam models, where you will find exams from previous calls for all the subjects of the different tests. And if you want to be up to date with the latest news about our school and the activities we carry out, follow us on Insta.

For my part, it has been a pleasure to be able to offer you my help. Remember that studying Mathematics is like studying a language, at first we don't learn anything, but as we progress we end up understanding. And believe me, it is very useful to know math.

Keys to improve in your EvAU / EBAU / PAU or PCE Selectivity Geography exams - Luis Vives Study Center
Keys for your Geography exam

Hello, #Vivers! Most of the entrance exams to higher education, in the social sciences and humanities itinerary, have Geography as a specific subject. This subject is specific to the ESO and Baccalaureate itinerary. In general, it is a subject that requires the student to master a series of specific techniques. Today, our Geography teacher, Elena, explains the 7 keys to properly preparing the Geography exam, a video that can be very useful for secondary school, high school, EvAU, EBAU or PCE UNEDasiss selectivity students, or access to training cycles of superior grade.

The 7 keys to doing a good EvAU EBAU or PCE UNEDasiss Geography Selectivity exam

1. Learn to solve practical exercises:

The Geography subject is theoretical and practical. Its exercises are fundamentally based on theory, but it is preferable to follow a script when approaching them.

There is a great variety of practical ones, we could say almost infinite, but nevertheless there is a series of them that are the ones that are repeated the most in exams and are the most characteristic of each topic.

The exercises that you should look at performing whenever you study geography are the following, and we can divide them into: graphs (climograms, population pyramids, river regimes, cliseries and sectorials) and maps (hatched or choropleths and weather maps). .

If you take these practices into account and study how they are carried out, you will have a lot to gain in Geography.

2. Know the definitions:

We have commented that Geography is theoretical and practical. In the theory section you can obtain endless definitions.

The definitions always appear in the exams of this subject, but we must study them or even extract them from the syllabus since they can clarify the content of what we are talking about a lot. A good geographer has to know how to define anything. So that we don't have to memorize them all, it is best that we understand what it means and define them in our own words.

3. Learn the political map of Spain and Europe:

Maps in Geography are basic. We can remember what we have studied throughout our lives and if not, let's take the opportunity to get to know Spain and Europe.

You have to learn the Spanish Autonomous Communities and provinces and the countries and capitals of Europe, so that we can even see the positive side and see the useful side for future trips, etc.

Geography students for PCE UNEDasiss normally have special problems memorizing these maps. To study them, atlases can be used, but if we want to use new technologies, there are interactive maps on the Internet that would make our study easier.

4. Learn the Spanish physical map:

As we have said before, maps are something basic and important. Just as you have to learn the political map, you have to recognize the relief of Spain. For example, the most important rivers, the highest peaks, mountain systems...

We can use both the atlas and interactive games on the Internet.

5. Correct management of geographical vocabulary:

Even if we are not geographers, we must know how to explain ourselves adequately, using a rich vocabulary adapted to the subject. I give an example so that it is clear: "the provinces at the top of the map", this form is not correct, it should be said "the provinces of the north of the peninsula or the provinces of the north of the peninsula." This is achieved by reading the topics and listening to the teacher so that we can see how he expresses himself.

6. Take care of order and cleanliness:

If you have to answer long questions referring to certain sections of a topic, you must try to take care of the wording; It has to have an order and take care of coherence between the parts. In addition to submitting the exam clean, without any blemishes. To do this, think before answering, organize your ideas or even use a blank sheet of paper to clarify yourself.

7. Check for spelling mistakes:

Geography has many words in capital letters such as rivers, mountain systems, provinces,... (Ebro River, Central System, Cáceres,...) so review the exam before handing it in to rectify any errors you find, we do not want to lose points in this way.

We hope that it has been useful to you and that you can get the most out of it when preparing your EvAU/EBAU/PAU or PCE UNED Selectivity Geography exams, or FP access tests. If you want to practice with real exams, visit our page exam models, and if you want to be aware of the latest news about our school and the activities we carry out, visit our Insta profile. I'll see you in class!

Keys to improve in your EvAU / EBAU / PAU or PCE Selectivity History of Spain exams - Luis Vives Study Center
Keys to the History of Spain

Hello, #Vivers! The subject of History of Spain is one of the subjects that students in our selectivity preparation courses usually find most difficult to study. It is a mainly theoretical subject, in which there are a large number of dates and data to memorize. But to help you prepare for the exams, whether they are Selectivity EvAU/EBAU/PAU or PCE UNED, today we bring you a video in which our History of Spain teacher, Ángel, shows us the 7 keys to a correct learning of The subject.

The 7 keys to preparing the EvAU/EBAU/PAU or PCE UNED Selectivity exams in History of Spain

1. Reading comprehension

History of Spain is a fundamentally theoretical subject and therefore requires a lot of reading. When reading the topics, the most important thing is to understand the process and the events that occur. We have to think of the subject as a movie, in which we are going to see a series of characters that are intertwined with some events. This will make it easier for us to understand when we read it and thus we will avoid falling into memorizing the subject without understanding what he wanted to tell us.

2. Outlining

As the subject of History is very extensive, in order to be able to specify the concepts and clarify ourselves, it is very convenient to resort to outlining, that is, making outlines of each section to help us synthesize the content. We can have this scheme in our head even when we take the exam and thus maintain order in the development of the question.

3. Internal structure

The themes of the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries have an internal structure, that is, all these themes have an introduction or preamble that places us in the action, they are followed by the causes of the events, then the process itself (normally they are processes politicians who are going to change the course of events) and finally some consequences (these are linked to a political group opposed to the process that has occurred). If we take this into account we acquire a global vision of the events and these themes, since they are repeated in everyone.

4. Delete our opinion

It is inevitable in History to make political judgments about what happened in the past and even position ourselves on one side. This is something that always needs to be eliminated from our exams. There is no need to make value judgments or give our political impression, since History must be analyzed objectively. Furthermore, the person reading our test may not share our opinion and may not like what he reads. So, our opinion is our own and understand that an exam is not a time for debate or confrontation.

5. Basics  

The contents to prepare for the EvAU History exam, like the others, have a series of basic concepts and technicalities that must be handled to develop an appropriate language for the subject. There are not too many of them and they are also repeated, but you have to be very clear about them so as not to confuse them, because in conversations outside the historical scope that they can hear, but they do not have the same meaning or they are not even being used appropriately, such as, for example: Liberalism or Old Regime.

6. Memorize

In the first key I commented that you should not memorize the subject and “let go” of what you have read like an automaton, that is a bad study habit. First it is always to understand/understand what we read, but next, we do not have to learn them and for that we have to “memorize” it and then translate it. But we must keep in mind that here the term memorize is not a purpose but a tool.

7. Use of chronological axes

In History there are many dates that place events. You do NOT have to learn all the dates, not all of them are necessary, but they are important to organize the concepts. For this, it is best to make some chronological axes at home with the basic ideas and thus we can see the succession of facts and ideas. They will help us a lot to situate ourselves and to be able to later develop our scheme.

We hope that you can get the most out of it when preparing your EvAU, EBAU or PCE UNEDasiss Selectivity exams in Spanish History. If you want to practice with real exams, visit our page exam models, and if you want to be aware of the latest news about our school and the activities we carry out, visit our profile of Insta.

Methods to study. The importance of studying from day one - Luis Vives Study Center
The importance of studying from day one

Hello, #Vivers! There are many methods to study, but not all are equally effective. If you are one of those who start studying when there are days or hours left for the exams, we have something to tell you: you are not alone. Many students have made this mistake, and for this reason, we want to explain the reasons not to do it again. The Selectivity exams They are of a moderate level that will require a great effort from us. We must think about whether it is worth throwing away a year of study (or more) if we do not have determination and perseverance.

Methods to study. Why is it not good to study only at the end of the course?

For many reasons:

  1. Lack of time to complete the entire syllabus. There is a risk of not being able to study 100% of what is on the exam, so luck may not be on our side and they will ask us about what we have not studied.
  2. We work on short-term memory and very little on compression. Knowing the mechanisms of what an agenda is about and putting it into practice takes time. When we study or read something it requires assimilation and practice. When we practice with exercises we are placing them in our long-term memory and, most importantly, we can scale the level of difficulty and we will be prepared for the next topic. If we reduce the study time we will be in the hands of remembering that answer by trying our luck again and for inspiration to come to us and we remember it.

When to start studying?

Many students ask us about the weekly teaching load they should have. The first thing we tell them is that it depends on what the starting level is, how much time is left for the exams and how difficult the syllabus to study is. Starting from the normal case that the content is unknown or you have a basic idea and it is preparation for the selectivity or access to a higher degree, we recommend an average of 80 hours of study per subject. This number of hours depends on what was mentioned above about the type of subject, but it can give us an idea of ​​the distribution we should make.

Methods to study. Weekly schedule

The best thing is that, from the first moment, we have a planning of the study. In this way we will organize time to use it more efficiently. In this way we can have time for leisure, work, travel, etc.

Let's see the calculations if we want to prepare from September for the May/June exams:

8 months is 32 weeks. Assuming the number of hours we have described, 80 hours, gives us 2,5 hours per week.

This small amount of teaching load can assure us an excellent result if we comply with it from the first day.

If we wanted to start studying with only 2 months left, this weekly amount increases to 10 hours a week. It may seem affordable, but we must add that, as we have mentioned before, the compression can be altered, making it difficult for us to assimilate a higher level topic.

We must also not forget that we must have enough time to, at least, review what has been studied. One of the best ways there is is to plan everything to do 3 laps of the agenda. The first quick one to see which points we need to focus more attention on and have a map of what we should study. Another intense lap, memorizing and understanding the contents. A quick third to clarify concepts and refine those contents that cost us the most.


Studying with a plan will save us time, effort and trouble. They are all advantages. If you have never done it, we invite you to do it. Furthermore, if we want to study at university, we must know and understand the theory. Create the foundation from preparation to Selectivity It will ensure us a good university start. 

We hope that this article is useful to you and that you get used to studying the different subjects from day one. You will surely notice it in the results.