⭐PCE Geography UNEDasiss 2025 | What the exam will be like and 5 tips

Tips for the PCE UNEDasiss Geography exam 2023 - Luis Vives Study Center

⭐PCE Geography UNEDasiss 2025 | What the exam will be like and 5 tips

Even if you were not born in Spain, it is quite likely that you will have to take the Geography of Spain exam in the PCE UNEDasiss 2025, if you want to prepare for access to university degrees in Social and Legal Sciences. The average grade obtained by students who pass this subject is around 7 out of 10. With our help, we hope you reach 10 (at least!)

What will the PCE UNEDasiss 2025 exam be like? Geography of Spain

On the day of the UNEDasiss Specific Skills Tests, whether you take the May or September exam, you will encounter the following exam structure:

  • Part 4: Block of four questions on thematic development, in which you must answer only two of them. The total value of the block will be 2 points (Each question will have a value of XNUMX points).
  • Second part: Block of 10 multiple choice questions with a total value of 2 points. You only have to answer 8. If you answer more questions than required, only the first eight will be counted. They are scored as follows: A correct answer adds 0,25 points. An incorrect answer subtracts 0,1 points. Blank answers do not count.
  • Third part: Block of two practical questions, in which you only have to answer one, with a total value of 4 points.

Remember that our recommendation is that you practice with real exams from previous years. For them, on our website you can find a large number of exam models from previous years, as well as solved exams by our teachers. You can also take a look at our YouTube Channel, where you can see videos with the resolution of different exams.

Five tips to improve your results in the Spanish Geography exam

Regarding the subject of Geography, we are interested in what is taught in the 2nd year of Baccalaureate. It is a subject incorporated into the section of modality-specific subjects, easy to understand and with great content.

Here are 5 tips to make studying easier and tackle the test successfully, whether you are taking the PCE UNEDasiss, the PAU, the university entrance exam for those over 25 or the baccalaureate. If you wish, you can also take a look at the blog of our partner center, Bravosol Academy, in which they have published an article with the errors that you should try to avoid when preparing for the Geography exam.

  1. Study with maps of Spain next to you. This will help you memorize the map and locate some phenomena, both physical and human, that are seen in the matter. 
  2. Learn to solve practical exercises with a clear methodology. When facing practical exercises, it is best that you know how to structure them and a good methodology will provide you with a good basis to execute them during the test. 
  3. Know the definitions or geographical terms: the definitions are many, but they appear throughout the entire syllabus. In any case, we have to know how to define almost any geographical term. So in order not to memorize everything, it is best to understand it and thus be able to define it with our words. 
  4. Study the physical and political map of both Spain and Europe. It uses either atlases or geographic applications with interactive games, but the recognition of geographical features, as well as countries in Europe or provinces and communities in Spain, is something basic in the subject and in any exam on the subject. 
  5. Use correct geographical vocabulary. Even if we are not geographers, we must know how to explain ourselves adequately, using a rich vocabulary adapted to the subject. This will make the person examining you see that you handle geographical concepts well and know the subject.

Don't despair, grit your teeth and make one last effort.


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