Hello, Vivers! If you want to study in Spain and you have a Secondary or Baccalaureate degree in your country, this article is of interest to you. We have been helping our students access Spanish universities for more than 25 years. Every year, thousands of students from all over the world come to our country with the aim of Access to college or a Higher education training cycle. To do this, the vast majority of them will need to homologate the Bachelor's degree in Spain, so it is essential to know the requirements and steps to be able to carry out this procedure. In this article we tell you how to homologate your studies to the Spanish Baccalaureate: who can present it, what documentation you need, what legalization and translation is, where you should present it and how long it will take to receive the approved Baccalaureate degree.
Who can submit the application for homologation to the Spanish Baccalaureate
Any person or their representative whose studies in their country are considered equivalent to the Spanish Baccalaureate can request the homologation of their qualification. To find out the equivalence of your qualification with the Spanish educational system, you can consult this website. In this link you can review the equivalence of your qualification to the different educational levels in Spain. This way you will be able to know what level your studies correspond to. In this article we are going to focus on those students who can homologate their qualification to the Spanish Baccalaureate, but if you have questions about any of the other levels of homologation you can leave us a comment below.
Documentation necessary to approve the Bachelor's degree in Spain
The Secondary or Baccalaureate degree of each country is different. To homologate your studies to the Spanish Baccalaureate, the Spanish Ministry of Education requires that you present the following documents:
- Document proving the applicant's identity: passport, NIE or DNI. If the request is made by a representative, a signed authorization for representation must also be attached.
- Official Bachelor's degree or diploma.
- Certification of grades accrediting the last three years of Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification.
- Application model.
- Flyer for conditional registration in educational centers.
- payment of the rate 079: currently, 49,76 euros. If you are outside of Spain, you have the option of making a international transfer for the payment of this fee.
If you go in person to apply, they will give you the application form and the flyer there.
Legalization and translation of documents
If your educational system does NOT belong to the EU or Switzerland, it is necessary that the documents you present be legalized or apostilled for them to have legal validity. This procedure of sealing documents with the Hague Apostille is normally carried out at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country of origin.
Furthermore, if your educational system is not Spanish-speaking, the documents you present to validate the Bachelor's degree in Spain must be accompanied by an official translation into Spanish. This official translation can be done through a sworn translator authorized and registered in Spain, or through the diplomatic or consular representation in your country of origin, or at the Embassy or Consulate of your country in Spain.
Where to submit the application to homologate the Bachelor's degree in Spain
You can submit this request electronically or in person.
If you want to do it online, by yourself or through a representative, you can do it at the Electronic Headquarters of the Ministry of Education. In the application you will fill out the form, you will be able to include all the necessary documentation, and the registration flyer will be automatically generated, necessary to be able to take the PCE UNEDasiss Selectivity. Don't you know what UNEDasiss PCE are? They are the university entrance exams that international students must take if they want to enter a university degree. Look this article more info.
We show you what the online application looks like:

If you prefer to do the process of homologating the Bachelor's degree in Spain in person, you can do it:
- At the General Registry of the Ministry in Madrid: Calle Los Madrazo, 17. You can make an appointment this article, although you can also go without an appointment.
- In the Information and Registration Offices of the Government Delegations or Subdelegations of the Autonomous Communities. You can make an appointment this article. In Madrid, the Government Delegation is on the street García de Paredes, 65.
- In the General Registries of the diplomatic representations of Spain abroad, that is, in the Consulates or Embassies of Spain in your country of origin.
How long does it take to homologate the Bachelor's degree in Spain?
The deadline for the resolution of these files is 3 months, counting from the time you have created the complete application, with all the necessary documents, and have paid the fee.
Remember that, if you want to prepare to access a Spanish university, it is NOT necessary to have received the approved Baccalaureate to be able to take the UNEDasiss PCE. You can request accreditation and register for the UNED Selectivity tests with the flyer that is generated when making the application.
How can we help you
We hope that this article has been helpful to you in knowing how to homologate the Bachelor's degree in Spain. Remember that at CE Luis Vives we help you on your great adventure if you want to study in Spain:
- We offer academic and professional guidance with our exclusive service LV EduAssist, which includes guidance on Immigrating to Spain, advice on how to validate your studies and help with the UNEDasiss accreditation process.
- If you want to study at university in Spain, we have the best preparation course for the PCE UNEDasiss Specific Competencies Tests. You can study online o in-person or.
- All updated teaching material, and an exclusive Virtual Campus with the best resources to prepare your university entrance tests.
- Luis Vives is the Managing Entity of the UNED, so we assist you throughout the registration process in the PCE UNEDasiss.
- If you need to receive a long-term study visa, you can take our course and obtain a study certificate with which to apply for the visa.
- If you need help to carry out your approval for the Spanish Baccalaureate, Luis Vives collaborates with the Vive Muy Mola Study Agency, who with their legal team accompany the entire process before the Ministry of Education. You can contact them through their account Instagram or in Web page, will help you with all the necessary procedures to make your international educational adventure a success.
And if you've come this far and still have questions, leave us a comment below. Until next time!
Good afternoon, I have a legalized and apostilled Venezuelan bachelor's degree, and I only have legalized grades... would that be okay? Or is it necessary that the separate notes be legalized, must they also be apostiled?
Hello, María Verónica:
In principle, all the documents you present should be legalized and apostilled, but for greater security, we recommend that you consult directly with the Spanish Ministry of Education, which is the entity in charge of carrying out the approvals.
A greeting.
Hi, how are you? Good evening, I have my high school diploma and my certified grades in Venezuela. I have legalized them and I'm going for the apostille. Would it be okay if I did all that apostille procedure there in Venezuela? Sorry, and thank you very much.
Hello, María Verónica:
You can obtain the apostille at any authorized agency. Its validity will be the same regardless of whether you do it in Venezuela or Spain.
A greeting.
Yes, they must be apostilled
Hello Maria. If your document still needs to be apostilled, you can go to the consulate in Barcelona or Madrid or wherever you are located to have the notes you are still missing apostilled.
Remember that all documentation must be apostilled.
Good morning, my son is Spanish but he finished his studies in Bolivia. His high school diploma has been legalized and apostilled. I am missing his grades. Could you tell me where I can legalize them? Best regards.
Hello Ana:
You can legalize your grades in the same organization where you legalized your high school diploma.
A greeting.
Hello. I homologated my high school diploma with my NIE number, now I have nationality, do I have to re-apply for homologation with my new DNI number or do I just have to request a change of document?
Hello Tamara:
It is best that you ask this question directly to the Ministry of Education and that they tell you how to proceed.
A greeting.
Hello, good afternoon, the documents must be scanned in PDF to attach them if the application is made online, right? And I must pay the fee before to attach it as well?
Hello, Adolfo:
For this question, it is best that you go directly to the Ministry of Education of Spain, which is the body in charge of approvals.
A greeting.
Hello, if I find myself irregular in Spain but I want to advance the process to make a rootedion by formation, can I do it with the apostilled documents? or should I wait for a favorable settlement.
Hello Jose:
For this question, it is best that you ask directly at the Spanish Ministry of Education and they will tell you which is the best option.
A greeting.
Hi Jose, I did it with a passport without documents. I was able to study in centers here in Spain. Well, I did it in 2015. I don't know if they changed the method.
Good afternoon, to validate a high school diploma and grades, they must be recently updated or would the diploma I have from 2002, when I graduated, be valid?
Hi, Diana:
The high school diploma that you must validate is the one you obtained in 2002 with the grades you obtained at that time.
A greeting.
Hi Jose, I would like to know if you did your passport paperwork before obtaining residency, since I have the same question about whether I can advance the homologation of high school. Thanks
Hello Dani:
You can start the homologation process simply with your passport.
A greeting.
I have legalized and apostilled my bachelor's degree but the transcripts are not apostilled. They will accept it that way. I just want to approve the title for work reasons
Hello, Yamila:
For this question, it is best to ask directly at the Spanish Ministry of Education and for them to tell you if they need the grades to also be apostilled.
A greeting.
Hello good Morning !
I have graduated from high school for five years but I only have provisional attention. My question is if I can validate the high school with provisional attention or does it have to be with the diploma itself?
Thank you
Hi Mike:
For this question, it is best that you go directly to the Ministry of Education of Spain and have them tell you if you can homologate your degree or need to have the diploma.
A greeting.
Hi Mike, thanks for your help. It is essential for many here
I wanted to ask you something, I have the grade certificate for 10 and 11, but not the 9th grade.
What I have out of 9 is the diploma, is this useful to me? It would be the equivalent of the grades.
The thing is that the school where I studied closed years ago and I have no way to access the grades.
I stay tuned
Hi Ingrit,
For this question, it is best that you go directly to the Ministry of Education of Spain and they will tell you if you need the transcript that you indicate or simply the diploma will do.
A greeting.
Hello, can I do the approval process while outside of Spain? I have my degree and notes apostilled.
Hello, Jhoyner:
You can also carry out the approval procedures abroad, in any of the Spanish Embassies or Consulates.
A greeting.
Hello very good
I had my bachelor's degree 5 years ago but only the provisional attestation, my question was, could I homologate it with that?
Thank you
Hi Mike:
For this question, it is best that you go directly to the Ministry of Education of Spain and have them tell you if you can homologate your degree or need to have the diploma.
A greeting.
hello good evening!! I am a primary education teacher with 16 years of service in the Ministry of Education of Venezuela and I would like to please guide me on how to validate my university degree and be able to practice my profession in Spain?
Hello, María Gabriela:
For the homologation of university degrees, you have to contact the Ministry of Education of Spain, which is the competent body in matters of homologation.
A greeting.
Hello good morning, I have a bachelor's degree in humanities, by homologating it I can access a higher degree regardless of the area, I mean my degree is in humanities but I want to access a training in the area of technological engineering. I understand that when the bachelor's degree is homologated it is equivalent to the same bachelor's degree in Spain, which in theory means I can access the higher degree in computer science. I have asked in different CEPA and even in the Ministry of Education and no one can give me an answer, what I describe above were the words of the person who attended me in my education mystery. But it is not a 100% sure answer.
Hi Emma:
In this case, it is best to ask directly at the Education Department of the Autonomous Community in which you want to study the higher degree, since the admission process in vocational training centers is regulated and managed by each Autonomous Community.
A greeting.
Best regard
My question is whether the degree needs to be apostilled in order to submit the application for high school homologation.
Hello Sandra:
In principle, all the documents you present should be legalized and apostilled, but for greater security, we recommend that you consult directly with the Spanish Ministry of Education, which is the entity in charge of carrying out the approvals.
A greeting.
Hello! I'm Hanssel.
I would like to know how much time is left to submit the documents once the fee has been paid?
Hello Hansell:
For this question, it is best that you go directly to the Ministry of Education of Spain and have them tell you the deadlines.
A greeting.
Good afternoon, I have been here in Spain for two years and I want to validate my high school diploma. My degree and grades have been legalized and certified for 11 months. I want to know if I can present them like this or if I have to legalize them and have them certified again in Ecuador. Why do they tell me that they expire after 3 months?
Hi, Diana:
For this question, it is best to contact the Spanish Ministry of Education directly, and they will tell you whether the documentation is valid or whether you need to legalize it again.
A greeting.
Good afternoon.
I have completed my baccalaureate online. I have requested homologation and they have sent me an email requesting accreditation of (where I have resided for the last 2 years). In this case, I resided in Spain but, I don't know what to answer. Is the baccalaureate not homologated online?
Thank you very much
Hello, Olivia:
If your online Baccalaureate is official in your country, you can indeed request its recognition online on the Spanish Ministry of Education website. You will have to attach all the documentation required.
A greeting.
Here in Spain, the Baccalaureate that was completed in cycles in Colombia can be homologated.
Hello, Dora Patricia:
For this question, it is best to contact the Spanish Ministry of Education directly, and they will tell you whether your degree can be recognised.
A greeting.
Good morning, I have had my university degree in the process of being homologated here in Spain for two years now, but since it is taking so long I would like to take a course that requires a homologated high school diploma. My question is: With the university degree and the corresponding documents, can they homologate my high school diploma? Or should I bring the high school diploma from my country? Thank you very much.
Hello, Surama:
The university degree and the high school diploma are two degrees independent of each other, so they must be approved separately.
A greeting.
Good morning, I have all the required documentation just to submit the application for homologation of the high school diploma from Brazil to Spain,
but I don't know where to deliver, could you please inform me of the exact address in Seville,
Thank you,
Hello, Sidineia:
We do not know the exact address in Seville where you can submit the papers, but you can check it at Ministry of Education website.
A greeting.
Good afternoon, my name is HECTOR, I am Colombian and I would like to know what I should do to present support at my job to start the process of requesting homologation of a high school diploma. I have already paid the fee 079: currently, 49,76 euros and I have the form APPLICATION FOR HOMOLOGATION OR VALIDATION OF NON-UNIVERSITY FOREIGN TITLES OR STUDIES APPLICATION NUMBER: NU_2024_355987 since I require it to be presented at a job interview at Carrefour and they ask me for support to start the corresponding procedures. Can you guide me?
I have already requested my grades and my diploma in my country Colombia, which must be apostilled to be presented later for my studies to be approved.
Hello, Hector:
We understand that what they are asking you for is proof of having started the homologation process that they gave you when you submitted all the documentation, but it would be best for you to confirm this directly with the person who requested it, so that they can tell you if that is exactly what they need.
A greeting.
Hello, Marilyn:
The body responsible for the homologation of qualifications is the Ministry of Education, so we recommend that you contact the branch office corresponding to your area and they will tell you where you have to present the corresponding documentation.
A greeting.
I am 63 years old. I have a university degree, but it takes a long time to get it recognised. I need to have my high school diploma recognised, but I only have the 12th grade transcript. I AM INTERESTED IN RECOGNISING IT TO ACCESS A JOB. Can I have my high school diploma recognised with only the last year of transcripts?
Hi, Diana:
For this question, it is best to contact the Ministry of Education directly, and they will tell you whether this documentation would be sufficient to validate your degree.
A greeting.
Good morning, I have a question, do I have to pay the fee to validate the high school diploma, or can I pay it when submitting the documentation? Thank you very much.
Hello, Fanny:
You can pay the fees once you have submitted the documentation with the payment letter that you receive from the Ministry when you do so.
A greeting.
Hello, I have already approved my high school diploma in 2021, the question is: Is that approval still valid for access to the university? Or do I have to approve it again? Do approvals expire? I would not like to have any surprises in the future at the University. Thank you.
Hello, Zaira:
Qualification recognitions do not expire. Once recognized, your qualification will have the same validity as if you had obtained it by studying in Spain.
A greeting.
Hello, I submitted my documentation for the homologation of my baccalaureate, on 25/06/2024 at the Manacor town hall, I have reviewed the follow-up of the presentation of my documents through the corresponding means and "No application has been found with that identity document / date of birth". How can I do it?
A greeting.
Hi Eduardo:
It is best to ask directly at the agency where you submitted the documentation and they will tell you the status of it.
A greeting.
Hello, I have tried to homologate my Venezuelan high school diploma, which is certified and apostilled, but the Basque government is asking me for a sheet of paper verifying the validity of the person signing the qualifications, which by the way are also certified and apostilled. According to my understanding, the apostille verifies the document. I await responses. Thank you.
Hello, Argenis:
In principle, an apostilled document is completely valid, but if an official body in charge of homologations has asked you for additional documentation, they are the ones who can tell you the reasons for this.
A greeting.
A question, I am from Peru, I have a bachelor's degree in Psychology, what documents do I need to homologate there in Spain?
Hello, Milagros:
As we indicated in this article, the documentation you need is the following:
- Document proving the applicant's identity: passport, NIE or DNI. If the application is submitted by a representative, a signed authorization for representation must also be attached.
-Official Bachelor's degree or diploma.
-Certification of grades accrediting the last three years of high school or equivalent qualification.
-Application form.
-Form for conditional enrollment in educational centers.
-Payment of fee 079: currently, 49,76 euros. If you are outside Spain, you have the option of making an international transfer to pay this fee.
A greeting.
Hello, can I pay the fee to validate the high school diploma with the NIE or NIF of a third party and then submit the validation request myself online?
Hello, Solmelys:
For this question, it is best to contact the Ministry of Education directly, and they will tell you if this would be possible.
A greeting.
Good afternoon
I am Colombian, and I want to validate my high school diploma here in Spain. Can you help me by informing me if I must present all the study certificates from my country (i.e. from 6th grade to 11th grade)?
Thank you
Hi Katherine,
Normally, they will ask you for study certificates from the last three years of your high school diploma, but to be completely sure, since this can vary depending on the country, it is best to ask directly at the Spanish Ministry of Education.
A greeting.
Good afternoon,
First of all, Happy New Year 2025. I would like to ask the following: in the case of Guatemala, there are only 2 years of high school. In this case, should I only present the certificates from the last two years? Although it is true that the requirement indicates certificates from the last 3 years, I would also have to include the third grade certificate (which is the one that precedes high school). Regards!
Hello Luis:
It is best to ask directly at the Spanish Ministry of Education, since the documentation you are asked to submit may vary depending on the country in which you studied.
A greeting.
Hello, my name is Leticia. I would like to know if my bachelor's degree in health in Cuba could be recognized as a high school diploma, since I already have it legalized, because this degree does not exist here, and I legalized the last degree. I did not legalize the high school diploma, but in Cuba, to obtain this degree, you first need to go through high school.
Hello, Leticia:
We recommend that you ask the Ministry of Education directly and they will tell you whether you also need to validate your high school diploma or if recognizing your bachelor's degree is sufficient.
A greeting.
Hello, I would like to ask if when paying the fee, the payment is reflected immediately in the application form. I ask this because in my case I made the payment at a bank branch and I handed the documents in at the town hall office, but 10 days later I see no change in my form regarding these two fields and it does not allow me to modify them. Thank you very much.
Hi Carlos:
We do not know how the platform used by the Ministry of Education for approvals works internally, so it is best to ask the Ministry directly so they can resolve your question.
A greeting.
Hello, I would like to know if in Spain it is possible to homologate an accelerated baccalaureate, that is, one in which two degrees were completed in one year. 1 year (6,7) 2 years (8,9) 3 years (10,11) …. thank you!!!
Hi John:
We do not know if this type of baccalaureate can be recognised in Spain, so we recommend that you ask the Ministry of Education directly and they will tell you if it is possible and the steps you must follow to do so.
A greeting.
Hello. I am from Peru and there they do not issue a high school diploma when you finish high school. Only the transcript. Can I just submit the transcript? Or what would be the equivalent for the degree or diploma?
Hi Grover,
In principle, the transcript should be sufficient, but for more security, we recommend that you ask directly at the Spanish Ministry of Education and they will tell you if you need to present any additional documentation.
A greeting.
Hello, I have a question. I have the certificates without an apostille, but they have a date from more than 2 years ago. Is it necessary for the date to be recent or will those work for me?
Hello, Estefany:
For this question, it is best to ask directly at the Ministry of Education and they will tell you whether your certificates are valid or not.
A greeting.
Hello, my name is Sofia. I am currently in my last year of high school and I will receive my degree in July, God willing. I want to start the homologation process with the grades I have up to the penultimate year of high school. Should I carry out the homologation process for these grades using the same procedure for homologation of the high school diploma?
Hello Sofia:
For this question, it is best to contact the Ministry of Education directly and they will tell you how to proceed.
A greeting.