
Course prices for the 2024-2025 school year

Here you will find the prices of our university access courses, access to FP, obtaining the ESO Graduate degree, school reinforcement, private classes and online courses.

Annual preparation course for university access – Selectivity PAU and PCE

monthly PLUSPLUS QuarterlyAnnual PLUSPREMIUM MonthlyPREMIUM Quarterlyannual PREMIUM
1 subject130495935140530990
2 subjects20578014752208401600
3 subjects255970183527510502000
4 subjects2851080205031011752225
5 subjects3151195226534013002450
6 subjects3351275241036513902650

Intensive preparation course for university access – Selectivity PAU and PCE

monthly PLUSPLUS TotalPREMIUM MonthlyPREMIUM Total
1 subject150570170646
2 subjects2609882851083
3 subjects35013303751425
4 subjects39515014251615
5 subjects43516534551729
6 subjects47518054951881

Summer preparation course for university access – PCE Selectivity

1 subject150170570646
2 subjects2602859881083
3 subjects35037513301425
4 subjects39542515011615
5 subjects43545516531729
6 subjects47549518051881

Preparation course for Higher Level FP access test

PLUS MonthlyPLUS QuarterlyAnnual PLUSPREMIUM MonthlyPREMIUM QuarterlyAnnual PREMIUM
General phase21583015752409151725
Specific phase21583015752409151725
Both phases265995189029511052075

Annual preparation course for Intermediate FP access test

PLUS MonthlyPLUS QuarterlyAnnual PLUS
All areas29011002085

Intensive preparation course for Intermediate FP access test

monthly PLUSPLUS total
All areas4501710

Annual preparation course for free tests to obtain the Graduate Degree in ESO

PLUS MonthlyPLUS QuarterlyAnnual PLUS
All areas29011002085

Intensive preparation course for free tests to obtain the Graduate Degree in ESO

monthly PLUSPLUS total
All areas4501710

Graduate tutoring

Number of afternoons per weekPrice
2 afternoons150 € / month
4 afternoons220 € / month


Number of contracted classes1 student2 students3 students
1 class€32€20€16
10 class voucher€300€180€145
20 class voucher€580€350€275
40 class voucher€1120€695€495

Course online

3 months6 months8 months3 months6 months9 months
1 subject250 €370 €430 €300 €420 €535 €
2 subjects315 €465 €540 €400 €550 €700 €
3 subjects360 €535 €620 €490 €665 €830 €
4 subjects400 €590 €690 €560 €750 €940 €
5 subjects435 €645 €750 €625 €835 €1040 €
6 subjects465 €690 €800 €675 €895 €1120 €


Single payment (10% discount)Monthly (8 payments)Single payment (5% discount)Monthly (4 payments)
1 subject715 €95 € / month625 €165 € / month
2 subjects1125 €155 € / month975 €255 € / month
3 subjects1485 €205 € / month1235 €325 € / month
4 subjects1795 €245 € / month1365 €355 € / month
5 subjects2045 €285 € / month1595 €425 € / month
6 subjects2245 €305 € / month1755 €455 € / month

All prices are expressed in EUROS (€).

All prices that appear on the website These are the prices for direct contracts with the School.

For external hiring through agents or intermediaries, prices may vary.