Access to intermediate and higher level training cycles

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FP Media and Superior ⭐ Prepare yourself for the world of work

Studying FP is a good idea

Vocational training (VET) has established itself as one of the most effective ways to access the labour market. Both VET and FP offer specialised programmes that prepare students to meet the demands of constantly growing sectors. In this article, we will explore how these qualifications can boost your employability and guarantee you a promising professional future.

Why does Intermediate and Higher Vocational Training improve your employability?

For many years, university studies have been considered the only truly valid option for accessing the labour market with guarantees of finding a well-paid job. Unlike academic teaching at university, vocational training combines theory and practice, offering students direct preparation for the world of work. Some of the factors that make vocational training an ideal option are:

  1. High rate of job placement: Many companies value the practical experience that vocational training graduates acquire during their studies.
  2. Adaptation to market demand: Training cycles are regularly updated to incorporate current industry needs.
  3. Internships at Companies: Most FP Media or Superior programs include training in workplaces, allowing students to gain experience and establish contacts.

Sectors with the highest demand for vocational training graduates

In Spain, several sectors stand out for hiring vocational training professionals:

  • Technology and communications: The Higher Vocational Training in Web Application Development or in Microcomputer Systems has a high employability rate.
  • Health: Cycles such as Nursing Auxiliary Care or Radiotherapy Technician are highly valued.
  • Industry and energy: Degrees related to automation, mechanics and renewable energy are booming.
  • Hostel and Tourism: Tourist accommodation management technicians have great opportunities, especially in regions with high tourist influx.

Keys to stand out as a graduate of FP Media or Superior

To maximize job opportunities, it is essential to:

  1. Choosing the right training cycle: Find out which sectors are most in demand in your region.
  2. Take advantage of the practices: They are a gateway to the world of work and an opportunity to stand out in the company.
  3. Continue training: Once you have completed your vocational training, you can opt for specialization courses or even a university degree.


Vocational training is not only an academic option, but also a springboard to professional success. With programs adapted to market needs and internships in companies, vocational training offers you a competitive advantage in the world of work.

If you are thinking about choosing FP, remember that at Centro de Estudios Luis Vives we have Preparation programs for entrance exams to FP Intermediate and Higher. In addition, the Luis Vives Study Center collaborates with FPPro to offer their students flexible Vocational Training teaching, both online and in person. If you want to receive information about the FP courses they offer, without obligation, just fill out this form.

Higher degree access test 2023. Luis Vives Study Center
[Updated 2025]⭐Information on access to Higher Grade FP

Hello, #Vivers! As you already know, in all courses we send you updated information about the tests you are going to take. If you are already studying or want to prepare for the exam for access to higher-level vocational training cycles in 2025, we leave you in this entry everything you need to know to be able to apply. Likewise, if you want to know what the different exams that make up the test are like, take a look at the articles in which we tell you what the exams of the general phase and specific phase.

In Madrid, the registration period will be from January 9 to 21, 2025. The exam date will be on the days May 13 and 14, 2025.

In this elink You will be able to find all the information necessary for the call for this course.

You can register in person at any of the institutes that hold these tests in the Community of Madrid, or electronically in this link. If you have any questions, you can see our tutorial where we explain step by step how to register.

Documentation necessary for registration in the 2025 higher degree access tests

From this article, you can download the registration application. As in previous years, we provide you with the necessary documentation for registration:

  • Application for registration
  • Original and copy of the national identity document or foreign identity document, or passport.
  • Copy for the Administration of the “form 030” accrediting the payment of the public prices established for registration. Access this article upon payment of the fee. The sequence to pay the fee must be:
    • Start
    • Accept
    • Pay rate or public price
    • Name of fee: access test to higher degree training cycles + institute where you are going to enroll
    • Choose the rate that corresponds to your registration
  • Document of exceptions or the surpassed parts of the year 2009 and later carried out in the Community of Madrid. 

If you still have any questions, you have all the relevant information about the 2025 higher degree access test in this video.

For those interested in preparing for the 2025 higher grade FP access test exam, on January 8 we begin our intensive preparation course for access to FP. If you want more detailed information, you can write to us at, also to our WhatsApp or, if you prefer, use our form contact.

Much encouragement!

Intermediate grade access test 2023. Luis Vives Study Center
[Updated 2025] ⭐ Information on access to intermediate level training cycles

Hello, #Vivers! Today we bring you the latest information about the access tests that you prepare with us. The Community of Madrid has published the registration dates for the intermediate level vocational training entrance exam exams for the 2025 year.

The registration period will be open from 8 to the 21 of January of 2025.

The exams, in the Community of Madrid, will be held on May 13 and 14, 2025.

Here You can consult all the official information about this year's test.

Documentation necessary for registration in the 2025 middle grade access tests

First of all, you can download the registration application for the 2025 intermediate grade access test, in the following website. To take the 2025 middle-grade entrance exam, you will need to submit the following documentation:

  • Application for registration.
  • Original and copy of the national identity document or foreign identity document, or passport.
  • Document of exceptions or the surpassed parts of the year 2009 and later carried out in the Community of Madrid. 

You can register in person at any of the institutes that appear on page 3 of the order of the Community of Madrid, or electronically at this link.

If you want to know all the information about the test: requirements, areas, scoring system, etc., you can consult This Video. Our coordinator of the Intermediate Grade Access and Obtaining the ESO Degree courses, Lara, explains what both tests consist of, and what the main differences between them are. You can also consult this article from our blog in which we tell you what the exams are like in the different areas of the test.

For those interested in preparing for the 2025 middle grade entrance exam, on January 9 we begin our intensive preparation course for access to FP. If you want more detailed information, you can write to us at Also to our WhatsApp or, if you prefer, use our form contact.

Registration and access to intermediate and higher FP 2022 - Luis Vives Study Center
[Updated 2025] ⭐ Everything you need to know about admission to FP Madrid

Hello, #Vivers! As every year, we accompany our students in the process of preparing for access tests to intermediate and higher level vocational training cycles. And, once they have passed the exam, we usually hold a round table to share the next steps that each student must take in order to register for the vocational training places offered by the Community of Madrid for the 2024-2025 academic year.

In this link You can find information related to registration for admission to intermediate and higher level FP training cycles. In it you will find the admission instructions, the planned calendar of actions and the educational offer.

You can access face-to-face, dual or bilingual modalities for higher-level training cycles. In the case of the intermediate degree cycles, they would simply be the face-to-face and dual modalities.

Registration dates for Higher Level and Intermediate Level FP Madrid 2024

Applications for enrollment in higher degree FP will be submitted from June 28 to July 4, 2024, both dates included.

Applications for admission to mid-level training cycles will be submitted from June 24 to July 1, 2024, both dates included.

It will be carried out online through the comprehensive RAÍCES educational management system. In this link you can complete the corresponding form application.

If you have decided to prepare for the exam for access to vocational training cycles, intermediate or higher level, during the 2024-2025 school year, you can find out about our courses in the following link.

Furthermore, in this video we leave you everything you need to know to be able to present yourself.

If you want more detailed information, you can write to us at, also to our WhatsApp or, if you prefer, use our form contact.


In-person or online teaching. Choose well
💻online or 👩‍🏫in-person teaching: choose well

Yes, we know you are thinking about it: should I prepare through face-to-face teaching or online?

Our Selectivity, Access to Vocational Training and ESO Graduate students frequently ask us this same question. We are here to help you make the decision.

A good idea when choosing is to list the pros and cons of each option, and decide how much weight they have for us. 

online teaching

An online course has the following ADVANTAGES:

  • Flexibility and reconciliation of schedules: This modality allows you to personalize your study schedule, adapting it to your family, work and leisure needs.
  • global access: You can study from anywhere in the world. In addition, the best online courses offer multi-platform access: computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
  • Variety of resources: videos, PDFs, questionnaires, tasks, mock exams, activities, kahoots, podcasts... The list of digital resources for online learning is endless.
  • Accessibility: This modality increases the study possibilities of disabled people, since it offers customization options and assistance tools that facilitate learning.
  • The costs: the last but not the least. With online teaching you will save money not only on the online course, but also on travel, accommodation, meals, etc.

On the contrary, online teaching has some DISADVANTAGES:

  • Autonomy and discipline problems: Not all students are prepared to study from home. This work system requires sufficient maturity and discipline to comply with the teaching schedules, adjust to a schedule and complete all the course contents.
  • Socialization: Yeah! Socializing is essential for learning. Group classes, work groups or interaction with your teachers are essential for studying to become a wonderful project.

In-person teaching

Let's go first with the ADVANTAGES of a face-to-face course:

  • Interaction with teachers and classmates: It's an open secret: the acquisition of knowledge is more productive when done in a group. 
  • Immersion in the culture of effort: It's like in the gym: if you see your classmates studying and preparing for their exams every day, you will feel stronger to achieve it.
  • Instant feedback: In face-to-face teaching, your teacher will be the one who, day by day, guides you to verify that you take the appropriate steps to achieve your goals.
  • Emotional experience and development of social skills: Normally, the period of study prepares people for their professional career and adult life. Unlike online teaching, experiencing in-person teaching with a classroom, teachers, and classmates will prepare you for a multitude of everyday situations that you will have to face in the future. It will be like making some real life practices 😉

DISADVANTAGES of face-to-face teaching:

  • geographical limitation: Not everyone can find a suitable academy near their place of residence to prepare.
  • Our schedules: Teachers in education and training centers also need to eat, sleep and spend time with our families and friends. For this reason, face-to-face teaching is generally carried out from Monday to Friday, in the morning or afternoon. And not all students can adapt to this pace.
  • The price: Of course, face-to-face teaching is more expensive. To the operating costs of the Center where you prepare you must add accommodation, food and other additional factors.


If you have read this far it is because you want to know the opinion of someone who is an expert in teaching. Here we go:

  • If you are a student who needs some help getting organized, and the cost of the course is within your budget, don't hesitate: choose in-person teaching. If you live in Madrid, our face-to-face courses from EvAU, PCE UNEDasiss, Access to Higher FP and ESO Graduate are the best option for you.
  • If you are far from the training center or if you need to tighten your budget, choose online teaching. But we recommend you choose the best possible option. If you are looking for the best online course at the most competitive price, you should review what can offer you.

And if you still have doubts about which modality to choose, leave us a comment, or directly write us a WhatsApp.

Academy for preparing the exams for access to higher degree exams in Madrid - Luis Vives Study Center
🤓Explanation of the higher grade access test

Hello, #Vivers! One of the most popular courses in our Madrid academy is the preparation of the entrance exams to higher-level training cycles.

Throughout its development, students are trained to acquire a set of knowledge and skills that allow them to later access higher vocational training, a training cycle that prepares them for entry into the world of work or for subsequent studies.

Year after year, we can see that the demand for this type of training has been experiencing a boom, given that it is a bridge that, although longer in time, allows the student to reach university without going through Baccalaureate and Selectivity. 

In the video that we bring you today, our coordinator of the preparation courses for access to training cycles, Lara, explains all the details you need to know about the access test to higher degree training cycles.

Requirements to present to the higher grade entrance exams

Be 19 years of age, or turn XNUMX in the year in which the test is performed.

Generally, the exams for access to higher-level training cycles present a single call throughout the year, which in the Community of Madrid is usually in the middle of May.

Professional families and options

To prepare access to higher-level training cycles, we can choose several professional families:

Humanities and Social Sciences Option:

It includes cycles related to Administration and Finance, Early Childhood Education, Hospitality and Tourism or Social Integration, among others.

Science Option:

It is related to Physical and Sports Activities, Personal Image, Safety and Environment or Health, among others.

Technology Option:

It refers to cycles related to Image and Sound, Telecommunications and Computer Systems, 3D Animation and Game Design, and Automotive, among others.

You can consult the complete list of professional families to which each option gives access this article.

Structure of the exams for admission tests to higher grades

The higher grade access test is divided into two phases:

A common part, which all students take, and which consists of an exam in each of the following three subjects:

  • Spanish Language and Literature.
  • Mathematics or History (depends on the itinerary).
  • English.

A specific part, which students must prepare according to the professional branch of the higher degree they wish to access, and which consists of two subjects.

  • Humanities and Social Sciences: Business Economics and Geography of Spain.
  • Sciences: Biology and Chemistry.
  • Technology: Physics and Technical Drawing.

Exemptions from the specific part due to professional experience

Normally, a student can avoid taking the mandatory subjects specific to their option if they present a certificate of working life, which certifies at least the equivalent of one year full-time, in activities related to the option to which they are enrolled. belongs to the professional family of the higher degree to which you want to access.


The final grade for the higher grade entrance exams will be obtained by finding the arithmetic mean of the grades obtained in each of the phases, when at least 4 points have been obtained in each one.

The exam is considered passed when the final grade is equal to or greater than 5 points.

Remember that it is essential that the preparation and study programming focus on passing all the subjects in both phases, with the best possible grade.

We hope we have clarified some concepts for you. If you need more information, you can consult the official page of the Community of Madrid. In it you will find all the information about the exams for access to higher grades. Good luck with your study!

Specific exams access to higher vocational training 2023 - Luis Vives Study Center
[Updated 2025]⭐What are the exams like for the specific phase of access to Higher Grade FP?

Hello, Vivers! In the article we published last week, we told you What are the exams for the general phase of access to Higher Grade?. But like the majority of students who take the higher-level vocational training entrance exams in Madrid, you must also take the specific subjects, whether those from the Science, Technology or Social Sciences and Humanities option, in this article you will find We are going to tell what the exams are like for the subjects that make up this phase. This part of the exam consists of two subjects, depending on the option for which you take the exam:

  • Technology Option: Physics and Technical Drawing.
  • Science Option: Biology and Chemistry.
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Option: Geography and Economics.

You already know that this year the exams in May. We are going to explain to you what the exams for the specific subjects of the FP entrance exams are like and give you some advice. And if you prefer to have Lara tell it to you, you can watch her videos from the option Technology, of that of Science, or of that of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Exams of specific subjects of the FP access tests: Technology option

The Technology option of the specific phase of the FP access tests is made up of the Technical Drawing and Physics exams.


  • Length: approximately 4 questions.
  • Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.


  • Bring to the exam the same calculator (non-programmable) with which you have been preparing for the exams.
  • If you must solve a problem in which you have to apply formulas, first solve the unknown, and then substitute the data. You will see how the calculations are simpler.
  • When you have obtained the answer to each problem, take a moment to think about whether the result makes sense. 

Technical drawing

  • Length: approximately 4 questions.
  • Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.


  • Invest in a good compass and a good mechanical pencil or 2H pencil.
  • Before starting to solve the exam, make a rough sketch to get an idea of ​​the result you expect to obtain.
  • The most important thing is that you try to be as precise as you can since the final result of each problem will depend largely on your precision and thoroughness.

Science option exams

The Science option of the specific phase of the FP access tests is made up of the Biology and Chemistry exams.


  • Length: approximately 4 questions.
  • Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.


  • Prepare the entire syllabus. Don't leave any topic unstudied, because anything can happen. If you do not have much time to prepare, try to review all the contents instead of having half of the syllabus very well prepared.
  • This subject has a very extensive vocabulary of its own, so it is recommended that you prepare a glossary with these words. With short and clear definitions, so that they allow you to identify them and use them in the appropriate context.
  • Draw pictures. For example, one way to study the cell is by drawing pictures of its organelles. If you see exams from other years, you will be able to see that there are both questions with drawings that ask us to identify what they are, and questions in which they ask us to draw them. If we have practiced before, it will be less difficult for us to do it in the exam.


  • Length: approximately 5 questions.
  • Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.


  • We advise you to make a “cheatbook”. That is, extract the concepts and formulas most used in the exercises; So when we are faced with an issue, it will help us be clear about what topic it corresponds to and what we have to apply in each case. Be careful, you can't take this cheat sheet to the exam 😀
  • As you do the topic exercises, justify everything you do. It is very important that you get into the habit of explaining the answers because this way you will understand their development and acquire the ability to relate the data to give accurate conclusions.

Exams corresponding to the Social Sciences and Humanities option

The Social Sciences and Humanities option of the specific phase of the vocational training entrance exams is made up of the Business Economics and Geography of Spain exams.

Business Economics

  • Length: approximately 6 questions.
  • Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.


  • Review the entire theory, since it is quite simple if you prepare it properly. You can rely on the most frequently asked questions from previous years' exams and other similar tests.
  • For the problem part, try to memorize the formulas by doing exercises. It is the best method to keep them in your head.
  • In general, economics problems do not require very complicated calculations. You may be able to reach the solution relatively easily. The simplest solution is probably the correct one.

Geography of Spain

  • Length: approximately 7 questions.
  • Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.


  • Study with a map of Spain always at your side. Thus, as you memorize the contents you will be able to relate them to physical and political geography. You will see how you learn better, and it will not be so difficult for you.
  • The technical exercises (climograms, cliseries, pyramids, etc.) have a resolution methodology, so it is important that you learn what the steps are to solve these exercises.
  • Make a glossary with the definitions included in the syllabus. When preparing this glossary you should familiarize yourself with the lexicon of the subject. 

Now that you know the structure of the exams for the specific subjects of the higher degree vocational training entrance exams in the branches of Technology, Sciences and Social Sciences and Humanities, it's time for the most fun part: studying. Remember that you can see the solved exams on our website and also the videos in which the academy teachers solve the exams on our YouTube channel.

Good luck with the preparation!

Exams for access to higher degree 2023 - Luis Vives Study Center
[Updated 2025]⭐What are the general phase exams for access to Higher Grade like?

Hello everyone! As you probably already know, the exams for access to Higher Level Vocational Training Cycles in Madrid consist of a General Phase and a Specific Phase. Today we are going to talk to you about the General Phase, which is made up of the exams of:

  • Spanish Language and Literature.
  • English.
  • Mathematics or History: depending on the training cycle you want to access.

If you have signed up for the exams, you surely know that They are scheduled for May 10 and 11. In this article we are going to tell you what the exams for these subjects are like. And if you prefer that Lara tell it to you, then you can watch the video that we have prepared with explanations and advice on these exams.

Remember that on the day of the exams you have to bring your ID. Also that you will have to turn off your cell phone during the tests. Come on, let's see what the exams are like, and give you a couple of tips:

Exams of the General Phase of access to higher degree FP

The Spanish Language and Literature and English exams must be taken by all students who take the higher-level vocational training entrance exams.

Spanish Language and Literature

  • Length: 7 questions
  • Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes


  • You should always do it, but in this exam you should take special care of your spelling. And if you know that it is one of your weaknesses, try to strengthen it before the exam.
  • You have plenty of time to complete the exam. Read the text very carefully, at least a couple of times. 
  • Organize your ideas before writing the summary, the argumentative text or the literature topic. That is, think about what you are going to write, and how you are going to organize it, and then write your response.
  • Prepare your literature topics very well, with summaries and outlines, and memorize authors and works.


  • Length: approximately 7 questions.
  • Duration: 1 hour (Be careful! The duration of this exam is shorter than the rest).


  • You are writing in English, so take care of your handwriting, and pay special attention to the order of the letters in each word. 
  • Read the text carefully, with each pass you make you will understand it a little better.
  • Study the verb tenses and their conjugations.
  • During your preparation, practice writing between 70 and 100 words. It is the part that normally makes us laziest, and in the test they always ask us for one in the last question.

Optional exams depending on the Training Cycle you want to access.

From 2022, students taking the entrance exams for higher-level vocational training in Madrid in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences, depending on the Vocational Training Cycle they wish to access, will be able to choose between taking the Mathematics or History of Spain exam.


  • Length: approximately 4 questions.
  • Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • The use of a non-programmable calculator is permitted.


  • Since Mates have formulas and symbols, we especially recommend that you take care of their cleanliness and presentation. Try to properly indicate the answer to each problem, so that the person who corrects you can easily find the solution you propose.
  • We will never recommend that you prepare for an exam only by practicing standard exercises, but when you have studied the entire syllabus, dedicate a few study sessions to practicing the most typical exercises in this syllabus. Don't you know what they are? Ask your teacher 🙂 
  • Start with the problems that seem most accessible to you. This way you will score points soon and gain confidence.

History of Spain

  • Length: approximately 7 questions.
  • Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.


  • Practice the definitions of some terms from the syllabus.
  • Look at photos and watch historical videos as this will help you memorize the events much better.
  • During the study, work with diagrams and order historical events chronologically.
  • You must know the configurations of the map of Spain and Europe throughout the centuries. 

Now you know what the General Phase exams of the higher degree vocational training entrance exams in Madrid are like. So it's your turn to finish studying and see our solved exams on the blog. Also the videos in which the academy teachers solve the exams, question by question.

Hit it!

Exams for access to middle grade 2023 - Luis Vives Study Center
[Updated 2025]⭐What are the entrance exams for Intermediate Level in Madrid like?

Hello! If you are going to take the test in Madrid to obtain your ESO, it is very likely that you have also signed up for the ESO exams. access test to medium-grade vocational training cycles. Keep reading, because we are going to tell you what the exams are like, and give you some advice in case you are a little lost.

And if you don't feel like reading, you can always watch our video in which Lara explains what the intermediate level vocational training entrance exams are like and gives you some important advice.

Scopes and exams of the access tests to Intermediate Vocational Training Cycles in Madrid

The free tests to access medium-grade FP cycles have three areas, but you will have to take five exams:

  • Social Domain: an examination of Geography and History.
  • Scientific-Technological Area: two exams: one in Mathematics and another in Sciences: Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Technology.
  • Communication Area: two exams: one for Spanish Language and Literature, and another for English.

On the day of the exam you must bring your identity document (DNI), and you must turn off your cell phone and put it away. Also, remember that the exams are taken with a pen (blue or black), pencils are not allowed.

We go there, we explain what each area is like and we give you a couple of tips:

Social ambit 

The Social exam has contents of Geography and History.

  • Length: approximately 8 questions.
  • Duration: 90 minutes.


  • In Geography you must know concepts and definitions of the syllabus. Study the different units of the syllabus in a practical way. You can use physical and political maps to organize your ideas, make summary tables or exercises to match terms and definitions.
  • In History you must know the dates, but you must also understand the historical events, their relationship and in what order they occurred. Pay special attention to the names of relevant people and even their physical features, because they may ask you questions through images.

Scientific-Technological Area

This area consists of two exams:

  • Math.
  • Sciences and technology: Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Technology. 

The Maths exam:

  • Length: approximately 5 questions.
  • Duration: 90 minutes.
  • IMPORTANT! In previous years, the use of non-programmable calculators was allowed.


  • You must take great care of order and cleanliness. Likewise, remember to clearly indicate the answer to each question.
  • We know it is not easy, but try to be agile in arithmetic operations.
  • There are many parts of the syllabus that are repeated over the years: proportionality, geometry, probability, equations and functions, and arithmetic (fractions, combined operations, etc.). To do this, check the exams from previous years.

The Science exam:

  • Length: approximately 5 questions.
  • Duration: 90 minutes.
  • IMPORTANT! In previous years, the use of non-programmable calculators was allowed.


  • Many of the exercises are solved quickly with the application of a formula. Spend time memorizing the formulas of the syllabus, write them down a thousand and one times and use mnemonic rules to learn them. When you get to the exam, detect which questions require the application of a formula, and write it down before starting to do the exercise, making sure you don't make a mistake.
  • Other questions consist of filling in gaps or knowing definitions. During your study, spend time in your notebook writing the most important terms, as well as knowing their definition. Even try to define these terms in your own words.

Communication Area: Spanish Language and Literature

  • Length: approximately 7 questions. 
  • Duration: 90 minutes.


  • It is very important that you practice the spelling rules: bov, with ho without it, accent marks, etc. You already know the best way to practice this: READ. You can read books, but also magazines, comics or even articles like this (or on more interesting topics).
  • It is not a very long exam. Therefore, spend as much time as you need to read the text they give you, to familiarize yourself with it.

Communication Area: English

  • Length: approximately 5 questions.
  • Duration: BEWARE! 60 minutes.


  • English is not your native language, so you should take care of your handwriting more than ever.
  • Read the text calmly and pay full attention. If you don't understand it at first, read it again, you will see that as you read it you will understand more and more parts.
  • Just as a great help in Language was reading, in English it will help you a lot to listen to music in English while reading its lyrics, or watch movies while reading the subtitles.
  • At the end of the exam you have to write an essay. Practice it by making lots of them, and give them to your teacher so they can correct them for you.

If you are already clear about what the intermediate vocational training entrance exam in Madrid is like, now is the most fun thing for you: PREPARE. To do this, you can check our solved exams on the blog, as well as the videos that our teachers have prepared with the resolution of the exams.

Good luck… for that!

Differences between the intermediate level entrance exam and the free tests to obtain the ESO Graduate degree - Centro de Estudios Luis Vives
[Updated 2025]⭐Differences between ESO Title and Access to Intermediate Degree

Hello, #Vivers! One of the most requested courses at our Madrid academy is the course to obtain the official ESO graduate degree (compulsory secondary education). The majority of students who take the ESO free test also take the exam for access to middle-grade training cycles. This is so since both exams are very similar, and in many cases these students seek to continue their academic development through official technical education. As you know, the completion of a medium-level training cycle allows direct access to a higher-level training cycle that belongs to the same option.

In the video that we show you below, our colleague Lara, coordinator of the Preparation courses for obtaining the Graduate Degree in ESO and preparation courses for the intermediate level cycle access test exam, explains the differences between both tests:

Comparison between the free tests to obtain the ESO Graduate degree and the intermediate level FP access tests

In the following table, you can also see the comparison between both tests:

ESO titleIntermediate grade entrance test
Requirements to present
  • Be 18 years of age, or turn XNUMX in the year in which the test is performed.
  • Not be enrolled in any institute to obtain the ESO in the same school year in which you want to take the test.
  • Be 17 years of age, or turn XNUMX in the year in which the test is performed.
Annual calls2 (March and May)1 (usually in May)
Test StructureIt is divided into three areas:
  • Communication: Language and English.
  • Social: Geography and History.
  • Scientific-technological: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Technology.
It is divided into three areas:
  • Communication: Language and English.
  • Social: Geography and History.
  • Scientific-technological: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Technology.
QualificationsThe three areas are rated separatelyJoint qualification: PASS OR NOT PASS
ExemptionsThere are some ways to be exempt from any of the areas in the two tests. For the ESO degree, you can be exempt from some area if you have passed those subjects in the 4th year of ESO, or in previous calls for the free test. In access to intermediate grade, too. In addition, you can remove the Science part of access to the intermediate degree if you prove work experience of more than one year.

Main differences between both tests

As you can see, the differences between both tests are minimal, so it is always recommended that you take both, if you can.

Remember that it is essential that the preparation and programming of studies focus on passing the three areas.

We hope that the differences between both tests have become clear to you. If you want more information about this, you can consult the official website of the Community of Madrid.

Good luck with the study!