
Enrollment at Madrid University 2023 - Luis Vives Study Center
[Updated 2024] ⭐ Registration at the University in Madrid step by step

If you have to register at the university in Madrid in 2024, we will help you do the process step by step. This article is useful for you if you have applied to:

If you prefer to watch it on video, we recommend you watch our YouTube video where we explain the process step by step.

To pre-register you can click here, or search for “Madrid university pre-registration” on Google. For students +25, +40 or +45, the link is this.

Remember that this year 2024 the deadline to pre-register is from June 7 to June 28. The list of those admitted will be published on July 12, and claims will be made on July 12, 15 and 16.

Before carrying out the pre-registration process, it is best that you have on your PC the identity document (front and back) and the card with your qualifications in the Selectivity, both in PDF format.

If you access the link indicated above, you will see that the first thing you must do is create a user. It is a very simple process that you have done a thousand times on many websites.

Once the user is created you will be able to access the process. This process has three steps to complete:

  1. Personal information.
  2. Academic data.
  3. Studies to request.

Personal details necessary for enrollment in the university in Madrid in 2024

In this first tab we will have to put our information: name and others, birth information and contact information. At the bottom you will see how you can choose any of the four ways in which you are going to apply for a place at the university in Madrid: 

  • University entrance tests (EvAU, PAU).
  • Foreign educational systems (UNEDasiss accreditation).
  • Vocational training.
  • Official university degree and equivalent titles.

If your access has been by people over 25, 40 or 45, you must indicate the correct route.

Academic data

In this tab you must complete the academic data related to the access route you have chosen. You will complete fields such as:

  • Applied studies.
  • Year in which you finished your studies.
  • Center where you made them.
  • Branch of knowledge.
  • Inclusion in some of the special quotas: disability, high performance athletes, etc.

Studies to request

This is the most fun part of filling, because this is where You must indicate the 12 university degrees in order of preference which you would like to access. It is not mandatory that you indicate 12, you can choose less.

For this step, we recommend that you compare the cutting notese of the current year with your grades obtained (you can use our EvAU grade calculator or of PCE UNEDasiss) to know what options you would have to obtain a place in the different university degrees offered in Madrid. We recommend that you make a list of the 12 degrees in order of priority that you would like to access.

Safeguarding and uploading documents for registration at the university in Madrid in 2024

Once you have completed the three previous steps, they will send you an email with confirmation of your pre-registration. In addition to being able to review all the data you have included and the grades you have chosen, you will see a tab called “documentation”, where you can upload the documents they ask for: identification document and report card.

Enrollment at Madrid University 2023 - Luis Vives Study Center

All the data you have included in the pre-registration is saved in the cloud, so you can log out without fear. You can log back in with your username at any time if you want to review your pre-registration, upload new documentation or change something.

We hope to have helped you, but above all we hope that you manage to access the career you want. Happy summer!

Tips for the EvAU 2023 Art History exam - Centro de Estudios Luis Vives
🏛 History of Art EvAU Madrid 2024 | How will the exam be and 5 tips

Are you appearing at EvAU 2024 in Madrid and are you preparing Art History?

This subject is part of the Baccalaureate, and you can take the exam as specific to the modality. It is a fairly dense subject, but it is not very complicated when it comes to preparing and examining it.

Below we tell you what the 2024 EvAU Art History exam will be like.

How will the EvAU 2024 Art History exam in Madrid be?

On the day of the EvAU test, you will encounter the following exam structure:

  • 8 questions divided into two options: from A1 to A4 and from B1 to B4
  • A1 and A2 are of the same style as B1 and B2 (theme and artwork) and you must choose the two you prefer from the 4 options. Each one is worth 2 points.
  • A3 and A4 are the same shape as B3 and B4 (definitions and artists) and you will have to choose the two you prefer from those 4 options. Each one is worth 3 points.
  • The topics subject to examination are included between the root themes of European art (block 1) and the universalization of art since the second half of the 6th century (block XNUMX).

Remember that here you have a lot of available business and solved exams.

Tips for preparing for the Art History exam.

And if you want to achieve the best possible result in the 2024 EvAU Art History exam, we recommend following the following tips:

  1. Study by looking at the works of art: as you read, underline or study each of the topics, visualize the works of art to better memorize the characteristics of each style. 
  2. Make yourself a chronology of styles: it will help you memorize the different artistic reactions and thus which preceded and followed each of the styles. 
  3. Prepare comments on the works: it is best to practice before the exam by commenting on the most important works of art. This way you will gain confidence on test day.
  4. Develop the most common topics in your notebook, to know how to organize them: when studying the most common topics, it will be much easier for you to address them in the exam if you have written them down before and know how you should organize the ideas, characteristics, artists and works . 
  5. Create a list of artists with their basic characteristics: it is important to know the most representative artists and memorize their fundamental works. For this, the most advisable thing is that for each period or style you make a list of the artists that enter the exam, or some cards, and write some of their basic characteristics along with their works. It will make your study easier. 

We hope that this article will help you prepare for the 2024 EvAU Art History exam. And if the test you are going to take is not the EvAU but the PCE UNEDasiss, we recommend this article from our collaborating center, Academia Bravosol, with several tips for the PCE UNEDasiss Art History exam. There is very little left to reach the finish line. Much encouragement!

Tips for the History of Philosophy exam EvAU 2023 - Luis Vives Study Center
🤯EvAU Madrid Philosophy | How will the exam be and 5 tips

From 2024, History of Philosophy will once again be a general core subject in Baccalaureate and Selectivity. It is very likely that you are preparing for the EvAU 2024. We will tell you what the exam is like and give you some tips to prepare for it.

How will the EvAU 2024 Philosophy exam be?

As has been customary for many years, the EvAU Philosophy exam in Madrid in 2024 will have two options (A and B), and in each option a text by one of the philosophers on the syllabus will appear: 

  • Plato.
  • Aristotle.
  • San Agustín.
  • St Thomas.
  • Discards.
  • Hume.
  • Kant.
  • Rousseau.
  • Marx.
  • Nietzsche.
  • Ortega y Gasset.
  • Hanna Arendt.

In each option they will ask us a total of four questions from the text:

  • A1, A2, A3, A4.
  • B1, B2, B3, B4.

Each question is worth 2,5 points.

You must answer a total of four questions. You must choose to answer question A1 or B1 (one of the two), and you will freely choose the other three questions among the remaining six (A2, A3, A4, B2, B3, B4). 

5 tips to obtain the best results in the Philosophy exam

If you want to go for the 10th in the 2024 EvAU Philosophy exam, don't miss our tips:

  1. Read a lot exam models so that you become familiar with the type of exercises that they can give us. 
  2. Create your own notes. Divide them by eras, and in each era summarize the most important authors. For these notes, use all the sources you have available: class notes, books, PowerPoint presentations, external resources. Remember that the essential thing is that you completely understand the author and, for this, all help is little.
  3. When you summarize each author, divide their theory into problems to make it easier to study: human being, god, knowledge, ethics, politics (world or society).
  4. One of the most difficult points of the exam is the text commentary. So that you go with confidence, make sure you read and analyze enough texts by each author. It is recommended that you can read solved models of comments too.
  5. Don't forget to check all the exam models solved by our teachers that you can find in our YouTube channel. It will help you a lot to try to do it yourself by measuring the time it takes and then compare your answers with those of the teachers. What grade would you give yourself?

In addition to following these tips, it is also important that you avoid making the most common mistakes in philosophy exams. You can see them in the article they have written on our collaborator's page, Bravosol Academy, in which they tell you the 4 most common mistakes to avoid in the selectivity exams, both EvAU and PCE UNEDasiss.

We hope we have helped you, good luck!

Tips for the EvAU 2023 Technical Drawing exam - Centro de Estudios Luis Vives
📐Technical Drawing EvAU Madrid 2024 | How will the exam be and 5 tips

It is one of the most difficult subjects in the Spanish Baccalaureate. But it always weights 0,2 for engineering, so you are most likely preparing it if you go this route. The EvAU Technical Drawing exam in Madrid in 2024 has a very peculiar structure.

How will the EvAU Madrid 2024 Technical Drawing exam be?

Both the ordinary and extraordinary calls for the 2024 EvAU Technical Drawing exam have the following characteristics:

  • The exam consists of two options A and B, with four exercises each.
  • The theme of the exercises and their scoring are distributed as follows:
    • Exercise 1: Geometry (3 points).
    • Exercise 2: Dihedral (2 points).
    • Exercise 3: Axonometry (2 points).
    • Exercise 4: Normalization (3 points).

Of the eight exercises, 4 must be chosen. Exercises from the two options can be mixed. Now, you have to choose two between exercises 1 and 4 of both options and another two between exercises 2 and 3 of both options. For example, a possible exam answer could be questions A1, A4, B2 and B3. 

If you want to get an idea of ​​the type of exercises that can be included in the exam, on our website we have a large number of resources that can be useful to you. In the section Exam models, you will find the official EvAU exams from recent years. And if you decide to use them to practice before the exam, you can compare your solutions with the solutions proposed by our teaching team in the section Solved exams, as well as in our YouTube Channel, where you can see various videos with the resolution of exams.

Five tips to prepare for the Selectivity Technical Drawing exam

Technical Drawing is the bridge between Geometry and Engineering and Architecture. For this reason, Technical Drawing has the abstraction of geometry as well as the necessary pressure required to create plans, models and 3D visualizations of objects. However, whether for more complex problems or simpler exercises, these tips can be useful. 

Below we leave you 5 key points that I think can help you prepare your entrance exam to the Technical Drawing university in 2024, whether EvAU, EBAU, PCE UNEDasiss or access for those over 25:

  1. Invest in a good compass. Many strokes in Technical Drawing depend on arcs of circumference, so the compass is one of the tools that will be used most in the exercises. Additionally, doing these exercises accurately or not can make the difference between the exercise being correct or not. For all this, it is advisable to have the best possible rhythm. 
  2. Use a 2H pencil or mechanical pencil for procedures. When we do exercises we will have to do many intermediate steps until we reach the final solution. Using a 2H pen will help make these intermediate lines finer and more precise.
  3. Make a sketch of the solution you hope to obtain. Many Technical Drawing exercises require connecting concepts to find a solution, so the process is often not immediate. Making a sketch can help you figure out what intermediate steps should be taken to reach the solution.
  4. Repeat and draw the basic procedures before doing the exercises. Most exam exercises are an application of the basic procedures of each topic. Therefore, it is important to be comfortable with these basic procedures before doing more complex exercises. For example, you have to be a machine drawing bisectors 😀
  5. Always work with the greatest precision and cleanliness possible. The execution is also valued, so it is another point to take into account. At first this will mean going slower, although with practice you will also gain agility.

Go for 10!

Tips for the EvAU 2023 Business Economics exam - Centro de Estudios Luis Vives
🤑Business and Business Model Design EvAU Madrid 2024 | How will the exam be and 5 tips

We think it is one of the most fun subjects in the Spanish Baccalaureate, what do you think? If you want to do a career in Social Sciences, it is likely that you are preparing for it. We tell you what Business and Business Model Design (previously called Business Economics) is like at EvAU Madrid 2024.

What the EvAU Madrid 2024 Business and Business Model Design exam will be like

The next EvAU call in Madrid for the subject of Business and Business Model Design will present an important peculiarity. Students will have two options to choose from, each with six questions available.

However, due to Covid-19 contagion prevention measures, the exam will have an adapted model in which students will be able to choose between the first two questions of each option (A1, A2-B1, B2) by answering only to two questions out of the four they have to choose from.

Subsequently, students will be able to select four questions from the last four of each option (A3, A4, A5, A6-B3, B4, B5, B6) and it is mandatory to answer all of them. Both A3, A4-B3, B4 are theory questions.

A5, A6-B5, B6 are the practical exercises, with inventory valuation and balance sheet being very common. 

The recommendation is to do the 2 practical exercises for each option so that you do not have to write so much theory. 

If you want to know what they asked in the previous exams, we recommend that you take a look at our section exam models. In it you will find the exams from the different calls from recent years. A good way to practice before the exam is to do some of these exercises and then compare your answers with those of the solved exams by our teachers. If you prefer, you can also see these same exams in our Youtube.

Five tips to prepare Economics for Selectivity

The subject of Business and Business Model Design is essential for any student who aspires to understand the complexity of the business world. This discipline provides a deep understanding of the economic concepts that govern business management. From supply and demand to costs and profit maximization. This subject provides students with the ability to analyze and evaluate the financial results of a company. This allows them to make informed and accurate decisions in their professional and personal lives. 🙂

Below, we leave you the 5 key points that we believe can help you prepare your entrance exam to the university of Business and Business Model Design at EvAU Madrid 2024, although they are also valid for other Selectivity exams: Specific Competencies Tests UNEDasiss, over 25, and even access to higher-level training cycles.

  1. You must perfectly understand the basic concepts that later appear in theory and practice. That is, you have to know how to define terms such as supply and demand, production costs, etc. without hesitation.
  2. Understand how you are solving the problem: although it may seem difficult, you must understand what you are calculating at each moment, and decide if the results you are obtaining would make sense in a real company.
  3. Before starting to solve an exercise, write down the data and, if you have time, the formulas you will need to solve it. This way you will have a clearer idea of ​​how to solve it and you won't get lost in the statement if you need to review.
  4. Manage your time. The EvAU Economics exam has more questions than usual, so you should practice before the exam to avoid getting caught out, especially in any of the problems.
  5. The exercises are always easier than they seem, remember that they are normally solved with a simple addition, subtraction, division or multiplication. They will never ask for many calculations, so read the statement carefully as many times as you need until you reach the answer or procedure. 

Cheer up, now for 10!

Tips for the EvAU 2023 Chemistry exam - Luis Vives Study Center
🧪Chemistry EvAU Madrid 2024 | How will the exam be and 5 tips

Do you know that 4 out of 5 students pass the Selectivity Chemistry exam? You can't be less! Let's try to help you a little. We tell you what the EvAU Chemistry exam will be like in Madrid in 2024, and we give you some advice.

How will the EvAU Madrid 2024 Chemistry exam be?

The subject of Chemistry is part of the subjects of the specific phase in the university entrance test, and determines the access route for the degrees in Sciences and Health Sciences.

It is an interesting subject, often feared because it is not the typical subject that learning by heart is enough to pass, you have to understand all the concepts that are included in this subject to apply them in practice. 

A good way to check if we are well prepared for exam day is to practice with real exams from previous years. To do this, we put at your disposal in our section exam models, a large number of exams from previous calls so you can practice. Furthermore, both in the section of solved exams like in our Youtube, you will find many of these exams with the solutions proposed by our team of teachers, so that you can compare them with yours.

The EvAU Chemistry exam in 2024 has a very simple structure. It is divided into two options, A and B. Each option has five questions. Therefore, the exam has 10 questions. Each of them has a value of 2 points.

You must answer any 5 questions of the 10 proposed.

Five tips to prepare for the Selectivity Chemistry exam

Below, we leave you 5 tips that will help you study the fundamental and most important aspects of the subject so that when you take the exam, whether in EvAU, EBAU, PCE UNEDasiss format, access to the university for those over 25 years of age, access to higher education or baccalaureate training cycles; You can be prepared to answer correctly and opt for 10.

  1. I advise you to do a “cheatbook”. That is, extract the concepts and formulas most used in the exercises; Thus, when you are faced with a question, it will help you be clear about what topic it corresponds to and what you have to apply in each case. Be careful, this cheat sheet is for practical study, not to take to the exam😇
  2. Make good use of the tools they allow you to use: calculators. Since the use of scientific but non-programmable calculators is only allowed, it is important to know how to use this type of calculator, which can sometimes be of little use because of how simple they are; although it is not like that.
  3. Practice a lot with exercises that you can find in textbooks or on internet pages. Right here you have at your disposal exercises separated by blocks, exam models and even solved and explained exams. The more you practice, the better you will understand the exercise statements.
  4. As you do the topic exercises, justify everything you do. It is very important that you have the habit of explaining the answers because this way you will understand their development and acquire the ability to relate the data to give accurate conclusions.
  5. Make a work plan that includes study and practice. And above all, don't stop using books when you do exercises. And don't give up, if it doesn't come out the first time, it will come out the second or third time, but it will come out.


Tips for the EvAU 2023 English exam - Centro de Estudios Luis Vives
✔English EvAU Madrid 2024 | How will the exam be and 5 tips

You've taken many English exams in your life, right? Well, we don't know if the Selectivity exam will be the last, but you must give your best. And we are here to give you one last push. We tell you what the EvAU English exam will be like in Madrid in 2024 and we give you some advice.

How will the EvAU Madrid 2024 English exam be?

The 2024 EVAU English exam, in either of the two calls, June or July, lasts an hour and a half and has the following structure:

It will have two options, A and B, from which we can choose between equivalent questions because it will be the exam model that was proposed for COVID-19.

We must choose between one of the two texts and answer questions A1; A2; A3; A4 or B1; B2; B3; B4. Then we will choose between A5 or B5.

Reading compression

The first three questions are dedicated to reading comprehension, with the first answering true/false; the second, respond with the student's words to specific questions from the text; and, the third, to find synonyms for certain words in the text. 

Use of English and writing

Two questions dedicated to knowledge of grammar.

  • The first consists of filling in the gaps in the different contexts offered to us with the conjugation of verb tenses, prepositions, relative clauses, connectors and, normally, an indirect speech sentence.
  • The last question consists of writing a writing so that the students put into practice the grammatical knowledge learned during the course and also demonstrate the lexical knowledge they have related to the proposed topic.

This last part is very important, which is why it is vital that we arrive prepared to put into practice the grammatical knowledge that we have learned throughout the course. 

The subject of English has been studied since we are little. That is why to prepare it we must do it globally, taking into account from the most basic concepts to the most elaborate ones. 

It is also very important to be constant and take into account the level from which we start. It is not the same to try to get a 9 with a level beginner than doing it at a more advanced level. For this reason, it will be very important to set realistic goals and motivate ourselves daily to study, since being constant is going to be essential.

Five tips to prepare for the EvAU Madrid 2024 Selectivity English exam

Next, we are going to show 5 tips to facilitate your study and approach the test successfully, whether you are taking the EvAU exam, PCE, access to a medium or higher degree, ESO graduate, university access test for those over 25 or baccalaureate.

  1. Read many exam models so that you become familiar with the type of texts and vocabulary you will encounter. Don't limit yourself to texts specific to your test format. Everyone is going to help you.
  2. Try to increase your vocabulary every day. Since English is everywhere, use your curiosity to start watching your favorite series and movies in English, and, above all, reading press articles in English.
  3. Don't forget to prepare one of the most important points of the exam: the written composition. To do this, you should learn the structure of an opinion essay and a narrative text. You should practice writing essays of similar length to what they will ask you for in the exam, looking at a model. 
  4. Grammar is the basis of the exam, so be sure to study it. As? Making notes by hand with the main structures that you need to master and the keys to identify them and then doing many exercises to assimilate those structures.
  5. Don't forget to check all the solved exam models by our teachers who you can find on our website, as well as in our youtube channel. They will help you a lot to identify frequently asked grammatical structures, key vocabulary, and essay models.

Cheer up, now the last dance 💃🕺


Tips for the EvAU 2023 Mathematics exam - Luis Vives Study Center
📈Mathematics II and CCSS EvAU | How will the exam be and 5 tips

It is not the easiest subject in Selectivity. That's clear. But Mates are important, because you are going to use them in your life every day! Or so they say... So in today's article, we tell you what the Mathematics II and Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences exam will be like in the EvAU Selectivity in Madrid in 2024.

What will the 2024 EvAU Mathematics exam be like? Madrid

Both Maths II and Applied Social Sciences have two options in the exam. 

  • En Mathematics II, each option has 4 questions (8 in total). Each question scores 2,5 points. You must answer any 4 questions of the 8 on the exam.
  • En Applied mathematics to social sciences, each option has 5 questions (10 in total). Each question scores 2 points. You must answer any 5 questions of the 10 on the exam.

Five tips to improve your results on the Mathematics exam

  • Master the base: Maybe you take it for granted, but maybe there is some concept from previous courses that you don't master: combined operations, operations with polynomials, powers and exponents, etc. If you do not master these operations, your nerves can play tricks on you on exam day.
  • Do you know the typical exercises? In Maths almost more than in any other subject, it is highly recommended that you review the types of exercises that appear most frequently and practice them, along with some of their variants.
  • Plan the last days of study: Before facing the final stretch, plan your study so that in the last days you can review all the blocks, and arrive at the exam with the most important topics fresh.
  • Master the theory. Although the math learning approach is very practical, it is highly recommended that you know the theory (Bolzano's theorem, Rouché's theorem, etc.) so that you can explain the operations you are doing during the exam.
  • Review exams from previous years. You can try to solve the exams from other years and look at the solutions proposed in our website or in our YouTube Channel.

You can handle this and much more. Cheer up, now for 10!

EvAU/EBAU grade calculator for university access for foreigners. Luis Vives Study Center
💻 EvAU/EBAU grade calculator

Hello, #Vivers! Most of you review your cut-off marks many times, and do many calculations to know if you will be able to gain access to university in the degree you want. We want to help you with our grade calculator for the EvAU EBAU Selectivity. Also, if you want to know what cut-off marks are and how they are calculated, you can take a look at this article from our blog.

Calculation of the grade for students from high school

To calculate your EvAU/EBAU university entrance score, several grades are taken into account. On the one hand, your average high school grade. On the other hand, the results obtained in the university entrance test. In the event that you want to access the university from a higher degree training cycle, your FP transcript grade will be taken into account.

Remember that the EvAU or EBAU has two phases: general and specific. Students who come from high school will have to complete the general phase on a mandatory basis and the specific phase on a voluntary basis. For their part, students who come from FP will only have to complete the specific phase.

La general phase It is composed of:

  • Spanish Language and Literature.
  • Foreign language: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese.
  • Contemporary History of Spain or History of Philosophy.
  • Modality Trunk. 

The modality core will depend on the branch of careers you want to access. You have the following options:

  • Science and Engineering: Mathematics II.
  • Social and Legal Sciences: Applied mathematics to social sciences.
  • Humanities: Latin.
  • Fine Arts: Artistic drawing.
  • General Baccalaureate: General sciences.

In the specific phase You will be able to choose those subjects related to the career you want to do at the university. You must choose those subjects that weight 0,2 (green column) in this table. You can choose between 0 and 4 subjects. But you should keep in mind that at most, the university will take the two best grades for the calculation of the admission grade.

Calculation of the grade for students from high school

For students coming from high school, the formula to calculate your EvAU/EBAU admission grade (from 5 to 14 points) is as follows:

Admission grade = 0,6*CFB + 0,4*EvAU + 0,2*M1 + 0,2*M2

  • CFB: final high school grade.
  • EvAU: the average grade of the four subjects of the general phase.
  • M1: the best of the marks of the specific phase.
  • M2: the second best grade of the specific phase.

You can also use the modality core subject as M1 or M2. Of course, you will only be able to use subjects in which you have obtained at least a 5 on the exam.

Calculation of the grade for students from higher degree FP

For their part, for students who come from higher-level vocational training, the following formula is used:

Admission grade = NFP + 0,2*M1 + 0,2*M2

  • NFP: FP file note
  • M1: the best of the marks of the specific phase.
  • M2: the second best grade of the specific phase.

For M1 and M2, only subjects in which at least a 5 has been obtained in the exam will be taken into account.

EvAU/EBAU grade calculator

To calculate your admission grade you can use our calculator:

Select your access route

*This calculator is in the testing phase. If you detect any errors, you can contact web@luis-vives.es. Remember that this tool has no official validity, and that your admission to the university will depend on the official admission process in Spanish public universities. Luis Vives Study Center is not responsible for errors produced by the use of the calculator.

To know what grade you must achieve to access the grade you want, you can consult the cut-off grades of the Madrid public universities. The only thing you must achieve is that your admission grade is higher than the cut-off grade for the degree.

Our calculator is valid for access to public universities in Madrid. If you want to access another university and are not sure what the requirements are, contact us. You can leave us a comment, write us an email o send us a WhatsApp.

Are you already clear about what career you want to pursue? Well then you just need to study hard to achieve your goal.

Weightings 2024 - Luis Vives Study Center
📚WEIGHTS [Madrid 2024] | How do they work

Hello, Vivers! Do you already know the note what you need to enter the career you want? If you are studying to access university, you also have to know how to choose the subjects that you must prepare for Selectivity, both EvAU and PCE UNEDasiss and for this it is very important that you understand what the weightings of the subjects are in the different public universities of Madrid by 2024, how they work and how they are calculated. 

Students who want to take the EvAU Selectivity | EBAU or at UNEDasiss Specific Competence Tests They must take exams in subjects that are related to the university degree they want to access.

In this way, the public universities of Madrid assign, for each degree, a value (weighting) to each subject that you can take the Selectivity exam, depending on its relationship with the degree. For example, to enter engineering, Mathematics and Physics have the highest possible weighting, because they are closely related to that career. 

At Luis Vives we have a permanently updated document with the 2023 weighting table of the universities of Madrid. We explain how to understand this table in our video about weightings of Selectivity in Madrid.

If you review it, you will see that this value can be of three types:

  • Black color: the subject does NOT weight.
  • Value 0,1: the subject has a certain relationship with the university degree.
  • Value 0,2: the subject is totally linked to the university degree and has the highest weighting value.

What does this mean? That in your Selectivity subject structure, you must include subjects that weight 0,2 for the grade or grades you want to access.

How do the weightings work in the EvAU or PCE in Madrid in 2024?

Once you have received your CAU university admission score (I think you should read our article on the court notes in Madrid), which is calculated up to a total of 10 points, you can increase up to 4 additional points using the Selectivity subjects that are weighted for the career you want. This calculation is carried out by the destination universities, and they do it by multiplying your grade in those subjects by the value of your weighting.

An example:

Let's imagine that you want to enter a career such as Psychology at the Complutense University, whose cut-off grade is approximately 10,5. After taking the Selectivity, your CAU is 8,6.

As the branch that you have prepared is Health, it is normal that in Selectivity you have taken subjects such as Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry. Let's say your notes are:

  • Math: 6
  • Biology: 9
  • Chemistry: 7

These three subjects weight 0,2 (the maximum) for Psychology. The calculation that is carried out is to take the two best grades of those subjects and multiply it by 0,2 (multiply by two and put a comma).

So according to this calculation: 

  • Biology → Grade: 9 → After applying weighting: 1,8
  • Chemistry → Grade: 7 → After applying weighting: 1,4

Thus, your Admission Grade will be the sum of your CAU and the increase due to the weightings:

NA = CAU + Subjects that weigh → Admission grade = 8,6 + 1,8 + 1,4 = 11,8

With this, given that the admission grade is higher than the cut-off grade they ask for for Psychology, you will have many options to be assigned a place for that degree.

Important questions to consider about weightings

Now that you are clear about how the weightings work, we will clarify other very common questions that our students from both EvAU and PCE usually ask us.

👉When do the weightings come out?

Universities usually publish the weights for the new year in the month of September from the previous year. Specifically, the universities of Madrid published the weighting table for 2024 admission in September 2023. In any case, these weightings do not change much from one year to the next, so to choose your subjects you can always review the document from the previous year .

👉Do I need a minimum score to apply the weighting?

Yes! You need to approve. If you do not get a minimum of 5 out of 10 in the subject, the weighting calculation will not be applied. 

👉How do I know if I am going to achieve the grade they ask for?

Calculating your grade taking into account the weightings can be somewhat confusing, so it is best that you use our EvAU grade calculator | EBAU, or the PCE UNEDasiss grade calculator.

👉What subjects are most important for the degree I want?

It is best that you look at the weighting document for the universities of Madrid for 2023, which is valid for both EvAU and PCE but we give you some examples:

  • For engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Technical Drawing. Also Chemistry for some of them, and even Biology.
  • For Health or Health Sciences majors: Biology, Chemistry, but also Mathematics and Physics.
  • For Social Sciences majors: Business Economics, Mathematics applied to Social Sciences, Geography, but also Philosophy and Art, on some occasions.
  • For Arts and Humanities majors: Philosophy, Art, and sometimes also Geography.

We hope we have helped you. If you don't know what subjects are important for your career, leave us a comment below!👇